Argentina: Syngenta and Forratec launch protective forage seeds‏
Syngenta and Forratec, a leader in the forage seed market in Argentina, announced recently a partnership to supply 'premium' forage seeds protected by the treatment technology "Plenus" (Plenus trademark owned by Syngenta) . The product launched is a result of over two years of local investigations and has as a goal "to simplify the planting procedures and to reduce significantly the production costs".
Plenus technology brings to the forage seed a "professional protection treatment, avoiding the need to spray agrochemicals in the field and, therefore, reducing the risk of product management". Other benefit brought by the technology would be a smaller impact towards the environment.
According to Forratec, the Plenus treatment increases significantly the efficacy to adequate sowing density. At the same time, it protects the seed from a wide spectrum of diseases and fungus, benefiting the plant development with high yield potential.
The forage seeds market in Argentina generates US$ 70 million, but only alfalfa seeds had a professional seed protection so far.
"We are proud to be the first to offer the Plenus technology to our customers. We are convinced that it is necessary to provide maximum protection to the seed, from the time of planting, so that it can express the full potential of our genetics, "said Martin Zingoni, president of Forratec.
Carlos Becco, director of the Commercial Unit of Seeds Treatment at Syngenta, affirmed: "This alliance with Forratec is excellent news for Syngenta and allows us to expand to other crops to offer professional treatments and Forratec customers can access the best technology. The growth of the forage seeds offer represents a bid advance on the search for a more sustainable livestock".