Brazilian agchem package recycling reached to 42.6k tons
In 2014, the disposal of agrochemicals through the "reverse logistics" reached 42,645 tons of empty packages in Brazil, according to the country's National Institute for Processing Empty Packages (inpEV). Compared to the 2013, the transportation of the material reached a 6% growth.
The inpEV survey shows that the states that obtained a higher percentage growth of recycling were Rondonia, Piauí, and Rio de Janeiro. But the larger loads came from Mato Grosso, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, and Mato Grosso do Sul - altogether representing 70% of the total volume transported.
The good performance is credited to an effective partnership between several links of the "Clean Field System". This system consist of farmers, manufacturers, and distribution channels, with the support of public power.
InpEV is a non-profit entity created by the agrochemicals industry to manage post-consumption of empty package products according to Federal Brazilian law. The organization started operations in March of 2002 and currently has 100 companies associated.