Ihara launches biopesticide division
Ihara, agchem manufacturer in Brazil, announced the creation of its Bio division, which is specific for the development of biological crop protection products. The company notes that it has invested in biopesticides over the past four years and already has several projects under way.
"Today the commercialization of biopesticides already represents 10% of Ihara’s revenues. That motivated us to move further in this sector. We are seeking partnerships with companies and universities, foreign and national, for the development of new researches and products," said Evandro Sasano, manager of the recent created Bio division.
Ihara already has the support of the shareholders, who also invest on research in this area and big industries in the sector. The union of these big companies will give Ihara the opportunity to present a complete solutions portfolio for customers and farmers. "The idea is that new alliances can be signed in the next months," explained Sasano.
In this first step, the division relies on a group focused on new projects, marketing and research, in addition to the full technological support of Ihara, as well as from its sales staff. "In the near future, the company's plans is to grow even more in the field, targeting more sectors in the company and expanding to other areas, such as formulation and production to meet the sector’s demands" he conclued.