New phytosanitary bill to be approved in Argentina
A new phytosanitary bill in Argentina is to be approved at the end of 2014, seeking to create the "Regime of Registration, Control, and Production of Phytosanitary Products". Pro-government and opposition representatives of the "Agriculture and Livestock" and "Commerce" reached an agreement about modifications on the original bill, and text is now ready to be approved by the Chamber.
The new bill covers the marketing chain as well as final users of the product. According to the new rule, the national state will be in charge of promoting "the rational use of phytosanitary products and the incorporation of adequate technologies to minimize any type of risks to human health and to ensure normal functioning of ecosystems and the environment in general."
The legislation text establishes that the government should create programs with Integrated Pest Management and good agricultural practices. This should be achieved through employing low impact technologies over the ecosystems and the effective use of agchems, besides identifying prohibited products.
"It is needed to enact a national law that establishes clearly issues related to the registration of agchems and activities of post-registration control, providing clear guidelines to the provincial jurisdictions," explained by Luis Basterra, president of the Agriculture Commission,.
The National Service of Agriculture Health and Quality (Senasa) has shown its support for the bill.
Eduardo Butler, national director of agrochemicals, veterinary products, and food at Senada, informed that since the early 2000s several projects have been presented on the issue, but none had attacked the main problem - registration. According to him, the new bill is open to new technologies.