Bayer requests support from Brazil to approve GMO soybean in Chinaā€¸
Bayer CropScience requested support from the Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Brazil to approve its GMO soybeans (LibertyLink 55, LL) in China. This is the step needed for commercial release of the variety in China.
LibertyLink 55, which enables the usage of herbicide glufosinate ammonium, was already approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and by National Biosecurity Commission four years ago. Bayer's interest for the Chinese market occurs because this is the main destination of the soybeans produced in Brazil.
The issue was discussed during a meeting between the company's representatives and from the confederation in Brasília. Two years ago, the confederation inaugurated its office in China with the goal of promoting Brazil agricultural products in a partnership with federal government.
The commercial release of LL technology depends on the approval of the variety in all countries that import Brazil soybeans.
After the approval for commercial of the transgenic variety in all countries, the multinational may start the seeds commercial production. Bayer intends to launch in the market in two years.