Eden Research announces successful trials combat Botrytis in grapes
Eden Research plc, a natural micro-encapsulation company, announced that its Greece based licence partner, Redestos S.A, has carried out successful pre-launch trials on grapes using Eden's plant protection product, 3AEY, which uses low-risk active ingredients (three terpenes) and Eden's natural encapsulation technology, GO-E Inside™, to combat botrytis, a fungus that affects many plants and is a major concern for grape producers and vineyards.
The trials have been carried out in advance of completion of the EU regulatory process which is expected in spring 2015, and mark the early stages of preparation for commercial launch in Greece and sales of products containing Eden's active ingredients and technology. The work reinforces the results seen in Eden's regulatory trials across the southern Mediterranean zone where 3AEY showed comparable disease control to conventional synthetic products.
Eden entered into a Licence Agreement with Redestos in 2006 to develop and commercialise agricultural products to treat botrytis in grapes which will be sold in Greece and the Balkan states. The results of the trials have shown that the product is effective against botrytis, including when infestation has already occurred, and that it did not cause any phytotoxicity issue, i.e. the discolouring of the grapes.
Sean Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Eden, said: "We are delighted that our technology has stood up to the rigorous testing that our partners in Greece have subjected it to and that testing is taking place now, ahead of the completion of EU regulatory approval for our product, 3AEY, as this will allow Redestos to move to commercial launch shortly after we receive final approval."