USDA: Argentina agricultural biotechnology 2014
Argentina continues to be the third largest producer of biotech crops after the United States and Brazil, producing 14 percent of the world´s total biotech crops. The country´s area cultivated with biotech varieties in MY2013/14 is 24.79 million hectares, 868,000 more hectares from the previous year. Almost all soybean area is planted with biotech seed varieties, while 95 percent of corn area and 100 percent of cotton area are biotech varieties.
The revamped regulatory framework for agricultural biotechnology continues to prove its efficiency in its second year of existence, accomplishing the expected goal of reducing the approval times and proved to be very successful in reducing bureaucracy as well.
China’s approval of GE events continues to be a top priority for the Argentine foreign trade, since China is one of the most important markets for Argentine agricultural products.
Argentina continues to be an important ally of the United States in international issues involving biotechnology and was co-complainant with the United States in the World Trade Organization challenge to the European Union moratorium on biotech crop applications. While the lack of a royalty collection system is still an important issue, the GOA has placed a priority on stimulating biotech research and innovation. At an international level, corn growers from Argentina, Brazil and the United States signed an agreement and created a partnership called MAIZALL, which represents an effective platform for enhancing industry to industry, government to government and public outreach. MAIZALL is intended to provide a mechanism through which producer organizations can collaborate on a global basis to address key issues concerning biotechnology, food security, stewardship, trade, and producer image.
There is a new Seed Law proposal that has been developed by the industry and agreed by the Ministry of Agriculture, although it is not clear when it will be passed and implemented. Intellectual property rights (IPR) continues to be an unresolved issue in Argentina, however in an effort to move forward in finding a mechanism to recognize IPR in order to allow the country to obtain the new soybean varieties, in 2011 Monsanto (supported by the seed industry) developed a private agreement with farmers.
There is a growing misinformation campaign carried out by local anti-biotech groups that are spreading fear and non-scientific facts. These actions were somehow triggered by local environmental groups that opposed to the construction of the new Monsanto’s plant in Cordoba. Construction of the plant has now been halted by provincial authorities. What those groups question is the potential for contamination, toxicity and allergenicity of biotech products.