Futureco Bioscience launches 8 technical subsidiaries for a faster growth
Futureco Bioscience, the agro biotech company that develops and commercializes environmental friendly agro biological inputs for plant nutrition and plant protection with zero waste begins an expansion phase to become multinational.
The company, that has been developing its activity for more than twenty years from Barcelona, has spent the last two years preparing its growth to be more profitable worldwide. In 2011, Futureco Bioscience started its three engines: the administrative offices, the R&D laboratories and the Production facilities in Olèrdola. Since then, the company had been commercializing its products in 22 countries through commercial distribution agreements.
In 2012, Futureco Bioscience changed from being a Limited to a Public Limited Company, opening to investors and shareholders. In 2013, shares were distributed among workers and a Board of Directors was created. The company began to recruit Regional Managers and started preparing an expansion by opening more offices globally.
In early 2014, the R&D Department was restructured in order to faster bring biopesticides, bio-stimulants and bioactivators to the market, also investing in hiring more employees, until the staff of the R&D and Regulatory Affairs Department reached 35% of the workforce. In mid of 2014, Futureco Bioscience opens new technical offices in Quito (Ecuador), Lima (Peru), Bogota (Colombia), Naples (United States), Mexico City (Mexico), San José (Costa Rica) Guatemala (Guatemala) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). A total of eight subsidiaries joined the registration of 8 to 12 products, which includes biopesticides NOFLY. This product will be sold either from their technical offices or through national distributors. In 2015, the company is expected to open new technical offices to expand in Brazil, Argentina and other countries in Latin America.
The agrobiotech company maintains its business relationships and business opportunities with both exclusive and independent distributors in all its branches through the continuous promotion of projects with social and environmental commitment.