Brazil GMO area to increase 3.9% in 2014/2015
According to Céleres consultancy, the area with genetically modified crops will have an expansion of 3.9% in the 2014/2015 crop season in Brazil. There we be 42.2 million hectares - putting the adoption rate for GM lines to 89.2% for soybean, corn, and cotton crops.
The most increase will be observed again on soybeans (6.1%) with 29.1 million hectares of the total area of the oilseed. This represents the adoption rate not less than 93.2% for soybean technology in Brazil.
For corn there will be a reduction of 2.3% of genetically modified seed in the summer crop, and no change in the winter season. The total GM corn area is 7.7 million hectares in the winter and 12.5 million hectares in the summer, with an adoption rate of 82.4%. Because of the higher market price of soybean, The Brazilian farmers opted for an increase of the soybean crop at the expense of corn areas.
According to Céleres, the adoption of GM cotton crops will remain stable at 65.1%. However, planting is expected to fall by 18%. The consultancy cites impacts on profitability for the crop's production due to "low prices" in the "internal market".