Global agricultural production and pesticide use
Agricultural sectors undergo a serious transformation in global basis. Ongoing developments in social and economic fields and crisis show us that the most significant sector will be agriculture and strategic product as it was yesterday.
According to FAO estimation, among 7 billion people 925 million people are suffering from hunger in the world. In 2050, the population of the world is predicted to increase to 9 billion. In order to meet the needs of nutrition and clothing of that large population, agricultural production should be increased by 70 %.
Developed countries are able to use their own natural resources until the last piece, thanks to their natural resources, scientific and technological infrastructure. However, increase of agricultural production on a global level should be looking for in less developed or developing countries that they have low productivity. This increase can be achieved by the current natural resources, but sustainable increase of agricultural production more important topic than today situation. Also in addition to these negative situations, we have another issue to tackle with such as global warming and climate change, which are directly related to farming. Therefore, when making plans in agriculture we have to develop long-term and transparent policies in national and international co-operation, which aims to use natural resources efficiently and effectively. Sustainability of agriculture is only possible with efficient and long term planning. As Turkey has provided sustainable effective agricultural policies and plans, while it was 11th in the world in terms of agricultural economic growth in 2002, today Turkey has risen to seventh levels in the world.
A peaceful and stable world is possible only by providing food security. The risk of food security might be reduced to a minimum level not only by increasing of the amount of agricultural production but also by increasing the quality and a balanced sharing policy. Considering food security is essential factor for ensuring general safety, and international cooperation is essential to create solutions.
On the other hand, within the next 20 years, an increase in plant production is expected by depending on the change of consumption habits. An increase of plant production will bring together increase of harmful organisms. Undoubtedly, the first choice that farmers apply for pest control is chemical control methods, that is to say pesticide use.
In Turkey, cultivated plants are under threat of 329 diseases, weeds and pests and due to inefficient control, approximately 1/3 of the total products under the risk of yield loss. In terms of prevention of yield losses as pesticides have a huge potential they will undoubtedly be used for many years. Annual total pesticide using in Turkey is almost 40.000 tones. Therefore, it is necessary for high efficiency and good quality of plant production, safer and controlled use of pesticide.