EU approves four new ais
The European Commission has approved four new active ingredients, including acaricide acequinocyl from Agro-Kanesho, fungicide ipconazole from Kureha GmbH, insecticide flubendiamide from Bayer/Nihon Nohyaku, and biofungicide
Bacillus pumilus QST 2808 from Bayer CropScience. These approvals will be effective on September 1st 2014.
If necessary, EU member states have to amend existing product approvals before February 29th 2016 based on the conditions attached to the EU authorisation. Confirmatory information is required from the companies by August 31st 2016.
For acequinocyl, Member States shall pay particular attention to the protection of workers and operators, as well as the risk to birds, mammals and aquatic organisms. The confirmatory information includes: an analytical method for residues in body fluids and tissues; the acceptability of the long-term risk to small granivorous birds and small herbivorous and frugivorous mammals, concerning the use on apple and pear orchards; the acceptability of the long-term risk to small omnivorous and small herbivorous mammals, concerning the use on outdoor ornamentals.
For ipconazole, Member States must concern the risk to granivorous birds, the protection of workers and operators and the risk to fish. The confirmatory information includes: the acceptability of the long-term risk to granivorous birds; the acceptability of the risk to soil macro-organisms; the risk of enantio-selective metabolisation or degradation; the potential endocrine disrupting properties of ipconazole for birds and fish.
Flubendiamide’s approval, Member States must ensure the risk to aquatic invertebrates and the potential presence of residues in rotational crops.
Regarding Bacillus pumilus QST 2808, Member States must ensure the protection of operators and workers, taking into account that Bacillus pumilus QST 2808 is to be considered as a potential sensitizer. The confirmatory information includes: the identification of the aminosugar produced by Bacillus pumilus QST 2808; analytical data for the content of that aminosugar in the production batches.