Canada to approve herbicide Dichlorprop-P
The Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has proposed to grant full registration for the sale and use of A H Marks 2,4-DP-P 2EH Ester (Technical) and A H Marks 2,4-DP-P Technical Acid, Optica Trio, containing the technical grade active ingredients MCPA, dichlorprop-P and mecoprop-P, to control broadleaf weeds in wheat (spring, durum and winter), barley and oats and Estaprop XT Liquid Herbicide containing the technical grade active ingredients dichlorprop-P and 2,4-D (both present as 2-ethylhexyl ester) to control broadleaf weeds and brush in wheat (spring, durum and winter), barley and on industrial and non-crop land. The public comments will be opened until May 18, 2014.
Dichlorprop, also known as 2,4-DP, is currently registered in Canada. Estaprop XT Liquid Herbicide contains the active ingredients dichlorprop-P ethylhexyl ester and 2,4-D ethylhexyl ester which both belong to the phenoxy herbicide family. Phenoxy herbicides are growth regulator herbicides, which mimic natural growth hormones, inducing rapid uncontrolled growth in broadleaf plants which eventually kills the plants. Estaprop XT Liquid Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide. It is to be used on wheat (spring, durum and winter), barley and non-agricultural areas such as: roadsides, utility lines, railway rights-of-way, non-crop land for the control of a wide range of broadleaved weeds. It is also used for brush control.
The active ingredients in Optica Trio consist of dimethylamine salts of dichlorprop-P, MCPA and mecoprop-P which all belong to the phenoxy herbicide family. Optica Trio is a postemergence herbicide, applied to wheat (spring, durum and winter), barley, and oats, using ground application equipment, to control a range of broadleaved weeds.