China implements public notification system for pesticide registration
Chinese Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals of Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (ICAMA) recently announced that the public notification system of pesticide registration was implemented from 1 January 2014, in order to give public more information on the pesticide registration process to enhance the public credibility of pesticide registration approval.
The contents subject to public notification include producer name, product name, active ingredients, assay, dosage formulation, toxicity, crops of protection, target of control, quantity of application, method of application, source of technical and other necessary information covering temporary registration, full registration and repacking registration.
The ICAMA will issue a public notification in batches on the Chinese pesticide information website at for 7 days before approval of product registration.
Enterprises or individuals who hold different opinions to the contents of the Notification are free to raise objections in writing.
If you need further Chinese pesticide registration information or the Notification details, please contact us: