Avadex Granules (tri-allate) are increasingly widely used in winter sown crops, but they are an important herbicide option in spring crops too, including spring barley, spring oilseed rape, linseed, sugar beet, vining peas, forage/dried peas, field beans, red beet, fodder beet, mangels, canary seed, lupins and broad beans.
Dr. Dominic Lamb of Gowan reports that there has been a massive upsurge of interest in the residual herbicide Avadex 15G Granules. “Many growers have been successful in finding ways of applying Avadex Granules, as it fulfils a key role in the control of difficult-to-control grass-weeds such as black-grass, annual meadow-grass and wild-oats as well as some common broad-leaved weeds including cleavers, charlock, chickweed, mayweeds and poppy.”
"Recently many farmers have invested in their own applicators or have sought to employ a contractor to apply Avadex Granules, as they are keen to integrate this valuable active ingredient into their weed control programme. But, as we are aware, the autumn was not conducive to either drilling or herbicide applications. Because of the amount of land that was never cropped in the winter and the land where winter crops have subsequently failed, there will be a much greater area of spring crops planted this spring than we have seen for a while. There will be more spring barley, more linseed, more pulses and more spring oilseed rape in the ground this year as well as the normal sugar beet crop. All these spring crops need to get off to a good start and need weed competition removed early, yet they generally have only a limited range of herbicide from which to choose. Grass weed herbicides in spring crops are even more limited,” says Dominic.
Growers of spring-sown crops have every opportunity of using Avadex this spring however. It has full label recommendations for spring barley, vining peas, forage/dried peas, field beans, sugar beet, red beet, fodder beet and mangels and Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Uses (formerly SOLAs) for use in spring oilseed rape, linseed, canary seed, lupins and broad beans.
Avadex Excel 15G contains 15% w/w tri-allate, formulated as granule. It is recommended on all winter wheat, winter barley, durum wheat, triticale, winter rye, winter field beans, spring barley, peas, spring field beans, forage legumes, sugar beet, fodder beet, mangel and red beet. It controls wild-oats, volunteer (tame) oats and moderate populations of Italian rye-grass, annual meadow-grass and black-grass. Applied pre-emergence of weeds, useful control of annual broad-leaved weeds including cleavers, charlock, chickweed, common poppy, field pansy, field speedwell, forget-me-not, fumitory, ivy leaved speedwell, mayweed spp and red dead-nettle is obtained. It is applied at a dose rate of 15 kg/ha, with one application per crop. It is packed in a 1-ha pack (15 kg).