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BASF receives Canadian registration for OPTILL herbicideqrcode

Feb. 15, 2013

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Feb. 15, 2013
Company:BASF Canada Inc
Growers looking to maximize yields in their glyphosate-tolerant soybeans now have a new herbicide in their arsenal. BASF Canada announced that the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has registered OPTILL™ herbicide (active ingredient: imazethapyr + saflufenacil) on soybeans for the 2013 season. 
OPTILL is a pre-plant soybean herbicide that offers a fast burndown and superior residual weed control of grass and broadleaf weeds. Pre-registration trial results for OPTILL show a yield increase of two to three bushels per acre compared to using glyphosate alone. 
"OPTILL allows growers to achieve their maximum yield, regardless of whether they're running vertical tillage or no-till operations - it's a great fit," says Joel Johnson, Brand Manager - Herbicides at BASF Canada. "It provides a clean start, with greater control of dandelions and grassy weeds from planting through to early crop development. Even in situations with heavy crop residue, it provides good residual activity." 
Tank-mixed with glyphosate, OPTILL is a premix dry formulation of KIXOR and imazethapyr (Group 14 and Group 2) that uses multiple modes of action to control a broad spectrum of weeds in glyphosate-tolerant soybeans. When applied pre-plant, OPTILL is part of a two-pass program that provides a fast and complete burndown with early season residual control of later germinating weeds for four to six weeks.
"The fast burndown and residual activity allows growers to have clean fields at the start of the season, and keep them clean all season long," says Johnson. 


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