Aug. 8, 2012
GREENBELT Fertilisers Limited (GBF) has introduced a new kind of fertiliser called maxi-maize which will increase maize productivity from the current two tonnes to six tonnes per hectares for small-scale farmers.
Small-holder farmers have been experiencing low crop yields as compared to the commercial farmers and the gap seemed to be so widening.
GBF agronomist Pherguson Miti said his company had come up with maxi-maize type of fertiliser which he said would improve the yield of maize.
Mr Miti said his company has sampled soils around the country for several years and the results confirmed that Zambian soils often lacked sulphur, zinc and boron that nitrogen was often lost to the environment quickly after heavy rains.
He said all that led to the low yields among small -scale farmers in the country despite using fertiliser such as ammonium nitrate and urea.
“We are ready to meet the challenge of low yield faced by the farmers in Zambia. We created max-maize to help the small-scale grower improve the yield of maize,” he said.
In an interview at the on-going 86th Zambia Agricultulture and Commercial Show, Mr Miti said his company had concentrated on making tailor-made agro-products to suit the type of soil and the particular crop in different areas.
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