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Brazilian metagenomics agtech promises to revolutionize bioinput applicationqrcode

Oct. 23, 2024

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Oct. 23, 2024

B4A.jpegB4A startup, a company specializing in soil diagnostics with a focus on microbiology, is pioneering in Brazil by offering soil microbiota mapping through microorganism DNA – a method called metagenomics. 

Through this identification, the functional deficiencies of biota in each type of biome and crop culture are identified, along with regenerative management strategies with bioinput application.

The project has just received a BRL3 million investment led by Rural Ventures, together with Bossa Invest and Setter Tech. According to the startup, this investment strengthens the strategic partnership to support farmers in their soil management strategies and correct use of biological assets. The goal is to apply these inputs more efficiently while enhancing crop productivity.

B4A is betting on microorganisms' potential as agents for soil health recovery, backed by an extensive collection of scientific references. An example is the more than 4,000 studied microorganism species responsible for making nutrients available to plants and another 1,400 whose functions are directly associated with plant protection. All this content forms the basis of the technology employed by B4A in its diagnostics.

Leonardo Gomes Agrishow.jpeg

"Commercial biological products or even those developed within the farm are fundamental for the transition from conventional to regenerative agriculture. However, they are being used without prior diagnosis, which makes them, in many cases, ineffective. B4A's role is to support producers and agronomists in adopting the correct treatments, avoiding waste of time and money with ineffective inputs, and anticipating soil correction and its productive capacity," stated Leonardo Gomes, CEO of B4A.

Next Agricultural Revolution

Rural Ventures' investment, alongside Bossa Invest and Setter Tech, reflects a shared vision that the next major revolution in agribusiness will be driven by technologies that support the transition to regenerative and low-carbon agriculture. For this, it is essential that farmers master their soil microbiota, and B4A is at the forefront of this movement in Brazil.

Flavio-Vaisman.jpg"At Setter Tech, we focus on supporting startups and new businesses that bring innovations and disruptive business models. As part of these efforts, we are always looking for investment opportunities in companies with high growth potential, as we believe is the case with B4A," stated Flavio Vaisman, partner at Setter Tech.

According to him, this solution will be the "growth and efficiency engine of Brazilian agriculture. Beyond the invested resources, we expect, with our broad experience in management and performance, to contribute to the business's evolution."

B4A has already collected over 500,000 biomonitored hectares and a genetic bank that includes about 40 crop cultures, as well as extensive knowledge about the soil microbiological profile in the Cerrado and its challenges. The company was also recognized as one of the ten most innovative startups in the Agrishow Startups 2022 award, standing out as a leader in innovation and sustainability in the sector.

Bruno Bellodi.jpg"We have been closely following the evolution of technology use in the agricultural universe and saw in the startup a solution for positive transformation in the sector," added Bruno Bellodi, Setter manager and agriculture specialist.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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