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Yara intends to transform Tertre plant to strengthen long-term competitivenessqrcode

Oct. 18, 2024

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Oct. 18, 2024


The management of Yara Tertre has informed workers representatives of Yara’s intention to transform the site. The proposed transformation would entail closure of the ammonia unit and shifting production towards the site’s most competitive products, premium nitrate fertilizers and industrial nitrogen chemicals.

Yara Tertre is facing challenging market conditions, in combination with high and volatile energy prices and high maintenance costs, resulting in prolonged financial distress over recent years. In addition, more stringent environmental regulations and the need to accelerate decarbonization are increasing the pressure on Tertre’s ammonia production.

″In order to achieve a long-term, profitable and sustainable business, while securing high-quality jobs, we need to consider making fundamental changes. These envisioned changes would enable us to continue serving our European customers and prepare for the decarbonization of the site. Strengthening the competitiveness and profitability of Yara’s premium products while positioning for decarbonization would be in line with Yara’s strategy,″ said Michel Warzée, General Manager of the Yara Tertre site.

By replacing locally produced ammonia with ammonia from other production locations, the intention is to refocus the site’s activity on its most profitable products, premium nitrate fertilizers and industrial products. After the proposed transformation, the Tertre site would produce 600,000 tonnes of premium nitrate fertilizers and 250,000 tonnes of high added-value industrial products per year. By transitioning to low-emission ammonia in the future, the site would be able to deliver premium low-carbon nitrate fertilizers, reducing the climate footprint of agriculture and food.

In line with the Belgian regulation on collective dismissals, Yara Tertre management has announced the intention to transform the site at an Extraordinary Works Council meeting. This is the first step in the procedure of informing and consulting workers’ representatives about the proposed transformation.

If the intention is confirmed, the transformation would result in a reduction of production volumes and around 115 employees could potentially be dismissed while safeguarding the Tertre plant long-term and thereby securing more than 200 jobs.

"We are fully aware of the impact of such an announcement on our staff and will do everything we can to support them during this process and the transformation, if it goes ahead. For Yara, it is important to treat employees with respect. Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our people and operations. Despite the social implications for our staff and their families, we remain convinced that this intended transformation is necessary and can safeguard the Tertre plant going forward", concludes Warzée.

Source: Yara


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