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After acquiring Nitro 1000, ICL launches its first biological productsqrcode

Oct. 17, 2024

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Oct. 17, 2024


Less than three months after acquiring Paraná-based Nitro 1000, ICL has launched its first biological products to the market, gaining scale in B2C (Business-to-consumer) commercialization. 

Previously, the acquired company operated only in the B2B (Business-to-business) market. With an industrial unit in the Brazilian state of Paraná, which can produce 4.5 million liters coupled with research and development (R&D) resources, ICL expects to advance in the biologicals segment and become the technology company with the broadest portfolio in Brazil.

Ithamar Prada (field) - Foto © by Beto Oliveira.jpg

Ithamar Prada (field) - Photo © by Beto Oliveira

"With these first products, we begin to meet the diverse demands of producers," states Ithamar Prada, ICL's Vice President of Marketing & Innovation. The executive refers to the first three technologies for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) through inoculants based on Bradyrhizobium japonicum and growth promoters such as Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens for increased efficiency in phosphorus utilization.

"Primarily aimed at soybean, corn, wheat, and rice crops, they replace or optimize the use of fertilizers, increasing profitability and sustainability in agriculture," Prada explains. They come in liquid and peat-based versions. The liquid version has greater flexibility of use, and the bacteria are stabilized in this medium. The peat-based version comes in a solid medium (bacteria are mixed with peat) and requires specific conditions for use.

brand_actibiox-e1713551389452.jpgActiBioX Azos is a liquid inoculant for grasses such as corn, wheat, and rice, formulated with Azospirillum brasilense - strains AbV5 and AbV6, bacteria growth-promoting bacteria genus. Known for their ability to promote root growth, water absorption, and nutrients, these bacteria establish a beneficial relationship with plants, colonizing the rhizosphere - the soil zone around the roots, providing a more balanced and healthy environment.

Recent studies demonstrate the ability of these bacteria to fix atmospheric nitrogen in grasses, albeit still modestly compared to what is reported for Bradyrhizobium bacteria in soybean cultivation. This is crucial because nitrogen is essential for synthesizing proteins and other important plant molecules.

Research conducted by Embrapa Soja shows that inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense bacteria in corn increased root mass by 12.1%, nitrogen concentration in leaves by 4.3%, and grain nitrogen content by 3.6%. Among the advantages are a higher concentration of microorganisms per mL - lower dose, and easy handling. Benefits include promoting plant growth and root growth, increasing water and nutrient absorption, which is important in periods of water stress, dual application mode via furrow or seed treatment, practicality of field application, improved crop performance, and increased productivity and profitability.

ActiBioX Azos is also available as a peat-based inoculant for corn, wheat, and rice crops and as a growth promoter for grass cultures. Produced with high-quality sterilized peat, it has a high organic matter content and allows for a high concentration and viability of Azospirillum bacteria.

ActiBioX Brady is a liquid inoculant for soybean cultivation developed using Bradyrhizobium japonicum, SEMIA 5079, and SEMIA 5080, which is a genus of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria that form symbiosis with the roots of leguminous plants. This relationship allows the bacteria to capture atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and convert it into a form that plants can use in various metabolic processes. ActiBioX Brady is also available as a peat-based inoculant for soybean cultivation, offering benefits similar to those of its liquid counterpart.

Finally, ActiBioX Phos is a liquid inoculant developed from Pseudomonas fluorescens - Strain ATCC 13525, bacteria that play a significant role in agriculture, mainly due to their ability to promote plant growth. They are known for improving soil phosphorus mobilization and promoting better absorption of this element.

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Bernardo Vieira

ICL has hired Bernardo Vieira to lead these new initiatives for the newly created Biological Products Management position. With over 10 years of experience in the Brazilian biological products market, Mattos brings expertise from basic research, regulatory sectors, product development, market, and marketing.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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