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Simbiose Agro launches two new biopesticides in Brazilqrcode

Sep. 12, 2024

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Sep. 12, 2024

Simbiose Agro introduced two new biotechnologies, the bioinsecticide FlyControl, and the biofungicide FrontierControl, at the 14th Brazilian Cotton Congress (CBA).

According to the company, FlyControl (Beauveria bassiana, isolate Simbi BB 15) is the first biological pesticide with an oil dispersion (OD) formulation designed to combat the most significant pest in Brazilian cotton farming, the Anthonomus grandis (boll weevil). Additionally, it is registered for use in controlling various other pests across multiple crops, such as Bemisia tabaci, Dalbulus maidis, Dichelops melacanthus, Euschistus heros, and more.

Luiz Abrão.jpegLuiz Abrão, Strategic Marketing and Crop Manager at Simbiose Agro, stated, "There is growing encouragement for using biological products across various crops, and cotton farming is no exception." 

He highlighted the fact that FlyControl combines an "exclusive strain and a modern formulation that ensures broad compatibility with existing management practices while minimizing the loss of active ingredients after application." 

The active ingredient in FlyControl induces disease in insects, making it a type of entomopathogenic fungus. This fungal disease begins when the bioinsecticide contacts the insect, leading to an infection that reduces the pest’s movement and feeding, eventually causing death. 

Ivan Carlos Zorzzi.jpegIvan Carlos Zorzzi, Market Development Manager, added that after the insect's death, FlyControl undergoes a natural sporulation process on the cadaver, extending the protection period between applications.

Simbiose Agro also launched FrontierControl (containing Bacillus velezensis, strain Labim 40) to target Corynespora cassiicola (target spot), a disease that has severely affected cotton crops in Bahia and Mato Grosso. The product is recommended for all crops affected by Colletotrichum truncatum, Corynespora cassiicola, Pantoea ananatis, and Septoria glycines

Zorzzi explained that FrontierControl has already proven its effectiveness in soy and corn crops when it was introduced in the previous season with excellent returns on investment. These innovations emphasize Simbiose Agro's commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and the growing role of biological products in modern farming.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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