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Sugarcane borer causes annual losses of BRL 8 billion, new study revealsqrcode

Aug. 27, 2024

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Aug. 27, 2024

Marcia_Mutton.jpgThe sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis), present in all sugarcane-producing regions of Brazil, is responsible for causing estimated annual losses of BRL 8 billion. This figure accounts for the damage to crops and the impact on the industrial processing stage. The findings come from a study conducted by Professor Márcia Mutton from Unesp (São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal campus), in collaboration with the Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC).

The study has shed new light on the sugarcane borer's impact on sugarcane, ethanol, and sugar production. For every 1% increase in infestation by the sugarcane borer, ethanol yield per hectare decreases by 0.96% to 2.06%, and sugar production decreases by 0.43% to 1.97%, depending on the assessed variety. Professor Mutton from Unesp stated that these results confirm the significant losses caused by this pest in industrial processing. She added that these losses could be avoided if the sector were to harvest sugarcane fields with lower damage levels.

According to data from Kynetec, an agricultural market research firm, the sector's efforts to control this pest have more than doubled in recent years. This is due to the increased treated area and the higher number of applications, which have risen from an average of 1.2 to 1.9.

The Final Borer Infestation Intensity—an index measuring the residual infestation of the pest in sugarcane fields after chemical or biological control—has remained almost unchanged, as per information from CTC Benchmarking. This indicates the low efficiency of traditional control methods, which depend on ideal weather conditions and the correct timing of applications to be effective.


Since 2017, CTC has been offering genetically modified (BT) sugarcane varieties, which are considered the most effective solution for mitigating this problem. Luiz Antonio Dias Paes, CTC’s Commercial Director, stated, "The pest control using these varieties is over 95%, which represents a significant advantage over conventional control methods, delivering borer-free sugarcane."

The adoption of BT sugarcane has led to mills achieving higher ethanol yield and greater sugar productivity during industrial processing. This is because it reduces the concentration of ash, starches, and total phenolic compounds, thereby improving the quality of the sugar produced, as indicated by lower ICUMSA color ratings. BT sugarcane is now utilized by more than 180 users, including mills and suppliers, who are responsible for approximately 60% of the national sugarcane processing.

Paes from CTC emphasized that "The advancement in the use and expansion of cultivation areas with biotechnology are essential tools for increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the sugar-energy sector, always focusing on the sustainability and profitability of the industry."

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Please contact Christina Xie at christina@agropages.com if you would like to share your company story or advertising in the upcoming 2024 Latin America Focus magazine.


Source: AgroNews


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