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Agri-input distributors in Brazil earned BRL 151 billion in revenue in 2023qrcode

Aug. 13, 2024

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Aug. 13, 2024

The agricultural input distribution market reached a revenue of BRL151 billion in 2023, according to data released at the Andav 2024 Congress. 

Of this revenue, the agrochemicals segment accounted for BRL94.8 billion, while the seed segment accounted for BRL33.3 billion and the rest was for animal feed. The data comes from the 9th National Distribution Survey, an initiative of the National Association of Distributors of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs (Andav) and organized by Markestrat.

The data presented on August 8, during the 13th Andav Congress, referred to the more than 3,4,00 distributors associated with the entity. Andav's CEO, Paulo Tiburcio, presented the survey and highlighted its importance in the development of strategies and planning by members.


According to him, the data helped to assess critical issues for the sector and present the national and regional scenario of the input distribution market. ″In the last four years, the number of members grew from 1,708 to 3,472,″ the Andav CEO highlighted.

In the agrochemicals segment, the Brazilian states that had the most sales were Mato Grosso (26.7%), Paraná (15.3%) and Minas Gerais (12.5%). Also according to the survey, soybeans maintained the leadership as the crop that demands the most agrochemical purchases, followed by corn.

The distribution market continues to grow in infrastructure, with a 7.8% increase compared to the number of stores in January 2023. The Survey indicated that distributors intend to open 419 new units in the next three years. The sector employed 48.5 thousand direct employees, which represents a growth of 4.6% compared to the previous year.


Regarding sustainable practices, the main action observed among input distributors in Brazil is ″efficient waste management, followed by the application of renewable energy″.


″Brazilian agricultural producers are ready to absorb new functionalities and processes for the growth of sustainable agriculture,″ Fiagril CEO, Henrique Mazzardo explained.

Embrapa Agrosilvopastoril’s General Manager Laurimar Vendrusculo commented that applying ILPF (Crop, Livestock, and Forest Integration) brings more resilience to the effects of climate change. ″Technology demands a change in the way of thinking about production. Distributors can provide inputs adding value to the systems developed,″ he said.

For the Embrapa Meio Ambiente General Manager, Paula Packer, it is time to get out of the bubble and tropicalize Brazilian sustainability, showing its true vocation as a producing country. ″We need to learn to communicate our indicators. There is technology to mitigate and adapt,″ she reiterated.

During the event, Andav signed a cooperation agreement with the National Association of Phytosanitary Product Companies (Aenda) to execute training projects, carry out regulatory actions in the industrial sector, input distribution, and exchange information between the two entities.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Please contact Christina Xie at christina@agropages.com if you would like to share your company story or advertising in the upcoming 2024 Latin America Focus magazine.


Source: AgroNews


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