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Syngenta's media statement on the APVMA’s proposed decision on paraquat and diquatqrcode

Aug. 2, 2024

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Aug. 2, 2024

Syngenta Australia
Australia  Australia

On July 30, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) published its proposed decisions on the reconsideration of paraquat and diquat

The APVMA proposed to affirm paraquat and diquat for use in Australia, and stated that products containing paraquat:

  • would not be an undue health hazard to the safety of people exposed to it during its handling or people using anything containing its residues.

  • would not be likely to have an effect that is harmful to human beings when used in line with provided conditions of registration and labelled instructions. 

While Syngenta supports that the APVMA proposes to affirm paraquat for use in Australia, Syngenta is surprised and disappointed to see a significant number of crop use cases unsupported for future use of paraquat products considering that paraquat has been in used in Australia for 60 years without cause for environmental concern. Syngenta continues to carefully review the APVMA’s proposed decision in detail.

The proposed removal of higher rates of use are concerning and further compound the flexibility and practical options available to Australian farmers. 

Paraquat plays a unique role for Australian agriculture with many farmers considering the herbicide an essential tool for conservation agriculture and integrated weed management, preventing soil erosion, preserving crop roots, soil microbes, microorganisms and earthworms, saving arduous labor and protecting agriculturally important crops such as wheat, canola, corn and cotton against invasive weeds. 

The proposed decision is a significant step backwards to the gains Australian farmers have made towards sustainable farming and the knock-on effect of the decision is that farmers will not have the weed management tools they need now and in the future.

Extensive long-term field studies confirm that normal uses of paraquat in accordance with the clear label instructions do not cause an unacceptable environmental impact.

As a Schedule 7 product, it’s critical that paraquat is handled safely and Syngenta supports mandatory measures proposed by the APVMA for safe use.

Paraquat is a very effective herbicide used to eradicate weeds on farms and is often used in rotation with other broad-spectrum herbicides to prevent herbicide resistance building in weeds. 

Benefits of paraquat: A key tool for growers 

  • Australia’s gross domestic product would fall by approximately $362 million per year without paraquat as a tool for growers.1  

  • Paraquat exists because of the enormous benefits it brings to farmers and, consequently, to society through a secure, safe, affordable, and sustainable supply of food. 

  • Paraquat’s unique mode of action, its ability to tackle the most pervasive and difficult weeds, its enablement of regenerative farming practice and its contribution to socio-economic wellbeing of farmers large and small, make it a highly valuable tool supporting sustainable agriculture. 

  • Paraquat reduces the need for conventional tillage (ploughing), so that conservation tillage practices (zero or minimal-till) can be adopted: saving on labour, fuel and machinery costs. 

Syngenta’s stewardship of paraquat products in Australia

Syngenta leads the market in its commitment to ensuring the responsible and safe use of paraquat in Australia including the following:

  • An added emetic (a pharmaceutical substance used to induce vomiting) is one of many measures Syngenta takes to ensure the safe use of its paraquat products.

  • A foul odour and blue coloured dye are added to make the product repulsive to ingest and highly distinguishable.

  • Strict label warnings are on packaging to warn against transfer of the product to small containers.

  • Large scale Australian agriculture also typically employ closed transfer systems (using micromatic fittings), preventing accidental spills, the mixing or pouring of the pesticide into other containers or other actions that could lead to paraquat exposure.

  • Paraquat test kits to help healthcare workers identify the level of Paraquat exposure are made available to hospital pharmacies for free around Australia.

  • A 24/7 emergency hotline is available on all Syngenta products. 

  • Grower-facing training material and workshops.

1 https://www.syngenta.com.au/press-release/syngenta/deloitte-access-econ…


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