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Éléphant Vert Group: Pursuing Innovation to Develop Differentiated Biostimulants and Competitive Biocontrol Products, even out of Africa!qrcode

Aug. 1, 2024

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Aug. 1, 2024

Editor’s Note: ″In the future, Éléphant Vert (EV) will capitalize on existing markets in African and European markets but also expand its territory through distribution partnerships into the Americas″. During this interview, Éléphant Vert Marketing & Innovation Team Experts also share their views on EV main markets, product lines and services, and the way they support innovation to develop differentiated biostimulants and competitive biocontrol products.

AgroPages: Can you please brief us about Éléphant Vert’s main markets, product lines and services? Where are your facilities, plant and R&D center located?


Emmanuel Lesprit, Global Head Marketing & Regulatory Affairs

Emmanuel Lesprit: Founded in 2012, Éléphant Vert (EV) has established itself as a pure player in sustainable agriculture. Our mission is to empower farmers worldwide with tools that not only enhance crop yields but also minimize environmental impact.

We offer a comprehensive range of biosolutions catering to a variety of agricultural needs. Our EV Nutri line focuses on soil amendments, organic fertilizers and deficiency correctors. 

EV Stim is a range of biostimulants made from seaweed extracts (e.g. ECONITRATE®), living microorganisms (XURIAN®) or secondary metabolites like our newest solution NOVASTIM®. These products enhance nutrient uptake and fortify plants against environmental stress like heat, drought or salinity, particularly relevant in the context of climate change. 

EV Protect is a line of biocontrol products made from micro-organisms to protect crops against pests and diseases, while reducing residues on produce and preserving beneficials.

We are located in six countries: France, Morocco, Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Kenya. Our factory based in Meknès, Morocco, is specialized in microorganism production, from both liquid and solid fermentation processes. It also offers a custom-made service for production up to downstream processes. 

Additionally, our R&D facility located in Lille, France, fuels our innovative spirit.

AgroPages: What is the composition and operating model of your R&D team? How does your R&D team effectively transform innovative ideas into products?


Yazen Yaseen, Group Research and Development Director

Yazen Yaseen: The R&D team bridges the gap between the microscopic world and practical solutions for agriculture. Their meticulous process transforms innovative ideas into tools for improved plant health and agricultural productivity.

They operate with a dual focus. One team aims to identify promising microbial strains with biocontrol or biostimulant properties through genetic and metabolic engineering. The other team ensures these benefits translate into real-life results by designing an appropriate formula, monitoring field application practices, and understanding how the active ingredients work.

EV fuels innovation with a vast library of 2,000 microbial strains, further increased with academia and startup partnerships. Each strain undergoes rigorous evaluations, including in vitro and laboratory-scale analyses, to assess its potential for plant health or stimulation benefits.

Only the most promising strains undergo a multi-stage development process. First, production is optimized through fermentation. Next, the team investigates the mode of action using expertise in various scientific disciplines. This is followed by formulating a final product with compatible ingredients to maximize efficacy and product shelf-life. Finally, extensive plant testing refines application methods and identifies potential risks.


Noadya Monnier, Deputy Group R&D Director

NOVASTIM®, an innovative biostimulant based on Bacillus metabolites.

Noadya Monnier: EV newest biostimulant provides a mix of metabolites directly to the plant, without any micro-organism. It promotes both growth and stress tolerance during flowering and fruit setting steps. It also enhances post-harvest preservation.

NOVASTIM® development is a good example of our R&D operating model. The story began with the screening of one promising Bacillus strain among a pool of 400,000 candidates. The manufacturing process was then designed through a precisely controlled fermentation step followed by a patented purification procedure. Finally, the formulation was fine tuned to ensure the product efficacy and stability. Extensive field trials validated its effectiveness in real-world. 

AgroPages: Do the Éléphant Vert 's product lines apply to different crops and farming systems? What new application scenarios are expected to be extended in the future? Usually, biostimulants/biologicals were used in combination with crop protection or crop nutrition products. What are the challenges and countermeasures of the combination?

Emmanuel Lesprit: EV develops biostimulants and biocontrol products with a wide range of applications. Our commitment extends beyond research and development. The marketing team carries out trials on diverse crops, from temperate climates to tropical regions, e.g. cereals, vegetables, cocoa, avocado, or mango. This ensures our biosolutions can be integrated into various farming systems.

Moving beyond individual products, EV takes a comprehensive approach by designing "full biosolutions crop programs." These programs combine organic amendments or fertilizers, biostimulants, and relevant biocontrol products. This integrated strategy caters to the specific needs of each market, maximizing efficacy and return on investment for growers.

Integrating biosolutions with conventional practices can be challenging. Compatibility issues may arise, where some conventional products could reduce the efficacy of biosolutions (or vice versa). Additionally, farmers transitioning to organic farming might need guidance on combining biosolutions with their existing practices.

We recommend a pragmatic, case-by-case approach. It may involve the continued use of conventional products for a transitional period within integrated pest management systems. This allows farmers to gradually shift towards more sustainable practices while ensuring adequate crop protection during the transition.

By offering broad-spectrum solutions and advocating for integrated strategies, EV empowers farmers to achieve both productivity and sustainability in their agricultural practices.

AgroPages: Can you share over the new market expansion in recent years? What marketing strategies have you adopted in different markets?

Emmanuel Lesprit: To reach a broader market, we set up a dual distribution approach. 

We leverage our subsidiaries as hubs for direct sales and launchpads to serve neighboring countries with similar crop systems and needs. Additionally, we collaborate with local distributors to expand our footprint in new territories. This partnership model allows us to benefit from the local expertise and market knowledge of these distributors.

Smaller farmers receive dedicated support through partner distributors who embed EV specialized sales reps within their network. On the other hand, for large-scale operations, we employ our own network of dedicated staff for direct distribution. This ensures a more streamlined and personalized service for these larger customers.

Looking beyond Africa, we have established a business unit dedicated to international development in Southern Europe, the Middle East and America. For instance, EV products are now distributed in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece etc. We are currently establishing strong links in Peru, Canada and the USA.

In these areas, we look for exclusive partnerships with local distributors who demonstrate a deep understanding of their local markets and the regulatory landscape. They must commit to providing technical service support to customers, including communication and trials. 

AgroPages: What new opportunities do you see in the current market situation going forward? What’s the development plan of your company in the next 3-5 years?


Philippe Freund, Strategy Director 

Philippe Freund: The current agricultural market faces a challenging landscape. A deteriorating global economy and unpredictable weather patterns force farmers to prioritize essential products and to give up unsecure ones. This trend often disadvantages biological solutions, particularly those without clear return on investment for growers, or proven efficacy to preserve food security.

However, opportunities exist for solutions that address the root causes or consequences of this situation. Biostimulants that enable fertilizer reduction or contribute to climate change adaptation have become increasingly valuable. Notably, soil health plays a central role in both these categories. 

Biocontrol products can also fill the gaps left by the withdrawal of some active substances. They develop new modes of action to rapidly tackle the development of resistance issues.

Consolidation within the industry is another significant trend, driven by the critical mass to remain competitive, attract investors and be a relevant partner. Raising funds for start-ups has become more difficult, which could pave the way for mergers and acquisitions. 

In this context, EV will focus its development on several key areas:

  • Capitalizing on existing markets in African and European markets.

  • Expanding its territory through distribution partnerships to introduce our latest innovations into the Americas.

  • Pursuing innovation to develop differentiated biostimulants and competitive biocontrol products.

  • Seeking strategic acquisitions to support international expansion and innovation.

If you'd  like to share your company's story and solutions or have any promotion demands, please contact Grace Yuan: grace@agropages.com 

Source: AgroNews


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