Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

China’s total summer grain output in 2024 increased 2.5% versus 2023qrcode

Jul. 23, 2024

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Jul. 23, 2024

On July 12, the China’s National Bureau of Statistics released 2024 statistics on national summer grain sown area, per unit output and total output.

According to a survey of the 25 summer grain producing provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China, the sown area, per unit output and total output of summer grain of China in 2024 are as follows:

  1. The sown area of summer grain in the country was 26.613 million hectares, an increase of 4,500 hectares over 2023, which remained stable. Among them, the sown area of wheat was 23.091 million hectares, an increase of 31,700 hectares, up 0.1% over 2023.

  2. The national summer grain output per unit was 5,628 kg/ha, an increase of 135.4 kg/ha, up 2.5% over 2023. Among them, the per unit output of wheat was 5,985.8 kg/ha, an increase of 150.4 kg/ha, up 2.6% over 2023.

  3. The total output of summer grain of the country was 149.78 million tons, an increase of 3.627 million tons, up 2.5% over 2023. Among them, the output of wheat was 138.22 million tons, an increase of 3.658 million tons, up 2.7% over 2023.

Source: AgroNews


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