Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Corteva Agriscience launches new herbicide ProClova® in Germanyqrcode

Jul. 4, 2024

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Jul. 4, 2024
Florpyrauxifen-benzyl 75.5 g/kg+Amidosulfuron 360 g/kg

Corteva Agriscience has launched ProClova® (florpyrauxifen-benzyl + amidosulfuron), a new herbicide enabling effective weed control while protecting white and red clover in grassland. 

This innovative product will be available in Germany starting July 2024 and will significantly improve the management of grassland areas.

Since clover species offer numerous advantages due to their high protein content, palatability and ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, the clover component is particularly interesting in many grassland stands. However, undesirable weeds threaten clover growth, as they are sensitive to competition, and the weeds displace a valuable component of the grassland.

Innovative solution with ProClova®

Until now, broadly effective weed control without damaging the beneficial clover species was only possible to a limited extent in German agriculture. ProClova® is now fundamentally changing this. The herbicide, which will be approved in 2024, offers comprehensive control of all relevant grassland weeds, including dock, buttercup and plantain species, as well as dandelion, cow parsley and cow bream, while making room for the undisturbed development of the valuable grassland components.

The new combination of active ingredients enables easy application. ProClova® combines the new active ingredient Rinskor™active (florpyrauxifen-benzyl) with the proven active ingredient amidosulfuron in a water-dispersible granulate.

The active ingredient Rinskor™active is a synthetic auxin (6-aryl-picolinate) and is characterized by its high effectiveness against a wide range of weeds even with a small amount of active ingredient.

In the coming years, further herbicides containing the active ingredient Rinskor™active are also planned for crops such as sugar beet and corn. With the products Garlon™, Ranger™ and Simplex™, which are widely used in Germany, Corteva already offers solutions for weed control with grassland herbicides and is now expanding its product range to include a clover-friendly alternative. 

Corteva is thus demonstrating its ongoing commitment to finding sustainable and efficient solutions for the agricultural industry and providing them to farmers.

From the beginning of 2025, ProClova® will also be available in Austria.

To know more formulation and adjuvant technologies, please click the following picture to read / download AgroPages' magazine <<2024 Formulation&Adjuvant Technology>>.

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