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From Revolutionary Discovery to Continuous Innovation: Roundup® Continues its 50-Year Legacyqrcode

Jul. 3, 2024

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Jul. 3, 2024

In the history of the global agrochemical industry, Roundup® is undoubtedly a legend. Since its first introduction in 1974, Roundup® has completely transformed the global agricultural production landscape. As the world's best-selling herbicide brand, Roundup® has become a trusted tool for farmers due to its excellent weed control, good safety profile, and high cost-effectiveness.

China, as one of the most promising agricultural markets globally, is on the verge of industrializing its bio-breeding industry. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Roundup®'s introduction, and Bayer is once again prominently promoting this star product in China. AgroPages took this opportunity to interview three Bayer executives: Jay Butka, Global Glyphosate Asset Lead at Bayer Crop Science; Jannis Wittka, Head of Crop Protection for Asia at Bayer Crop Science; and Manish Kapoor, Head of Non-Selective Herbicides for Asia at Bayer Crop Science. Through this in-depth conversation, we not only witnessed the 50-year glory of a classic brand but also saw Bayer's efforts and vision as an industry leader in promoting sustainable agricultural development. In today's world, where global food security and environmental protection are increasingly urgent, Roundup®'s next 50 years will undoubtedly continue to lead industry development and contribute to global agricultural modernization.


Interviewee:Jay Butka, Global Glyphosate Asset Lead at Bayer Crop Science; Jannis Wittka, Head of Crop Protection for Asia at Bayer Crop Science; and Manish Kapoor, Head of Non-Selective Herbicides for Asia at Bayer Crop Science (from left to right)

AgroPages: Glyphosate is a revolutionary discovery in global agriculture. How do you see the future of glyphosate in the global market? What kind of further investments will Bayer make in glyphosate to meet the requirements of modern agriculture?

Jay Butka: Glyphosate is the world's number one herbicide and the number one chemical crop protection product globally. I believe its global outlook remains very positive. Glyphosate will continue to provide excellent weed control, has a great safety profile, and is very cost-effective.

As global agriculture and China's modern agriculture develop, farmers will continue to see the many positive effects of glyphosate. Glyphosate has a very high safety profile, an incredibly wide range of weed control, and is very cost-effective. It's also beneficial for the soil as it promotes no-till and conservation tillage, reduces the use of chemicals in farmland, and helps reduce carbon emissions, promoting regenerative agriculture.

Therefore, despite challenges, we believe that glyphosate still has a bright future for agricultural production and farmers. It will continue to provide excellent value for our customers, which makes us proud.

Roundup® is known for providing the best value by combining market-leading formulation advantages with competitive costs. It helps growers optimize production and protect their investments. Bayer will continue to invest in improving our production capabilities and product quality to deliver the best formulations at the best prices. We will continue to develop proprietary salts, mixtures, and formulation packages, and improve concentrations to deliver higher value, ensuring that Roundup® remains an effective tank mix partner for farmers as part of increasingly complex weed management systems.

AgroPages: Roundup® has a 50-year glorious history. How do you assess its role in current global farming?

Jay Butka: Roundup® has had an amazing history and has been a foundational component of regenerative agriculture since it was first launched in 1974. Roundup® introduced conservation tillage and no-till farming to agriculture, providing huge value to farmers, strong environmental and climate benefits, and improved soil health.

In the mid-1990s, Roundup® enabled the pioneering Roundup Ready® cropping system, allowing farmers to simply and cost-effectively maintain clean fields, maximize grain output, and continue to protect the environment.

Today, agriculture is more complex than ever. Glyphosate is the clear leader among all crop protection products used worldwide, and Roundup® remains the number one brand of glyphosate. When applied over glyphosate-tolerant crops, Roundup® has a strong reputation because of its history of innovation, performance, quality, safety, and value in protecting farmers' investments.

Manish Kapoor: In Asia, generations of farmers have been using Roundup® solutions, and they have developed an emotional connection with this product. In the field of agricultural applications, we have developed high-concentration formulations that reduce transportation losses and save water. We continue to innovate, serving not only farmers but also society and the environment.

We hope to expand this technology to emerging markets like China and Indonesia, providing long-term benefits to agriculture and farmers. When talking with our customers, they mention the changes on their farms after using this technology - cleaner, neater, more economical, and efficient farming, allowing them to spend more time with their families. This product has improved farmers' lives, which makes us happy and proud.

In a world where regenerative agriculture is regaining attention, aiming to produce more with fewer resources and mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the role of Roundup® and glyphosate-tolerant crops is becoming increasingly important.

AgroPages: Glyphosate has been in China for 40 years. With the change in China's biotechnology and GMO policy, how does Bayer see the opportunities and development prospects of the glyphosate market in China?

Jannis Wittka: Roundup® has been an important market player in China since 1984. Roundup® initially entered the market and earned the trust of Chinese farmers with its unique and strong value proposition. I believe the Chinese market will continue to grow significantly with the introduction of biotech crop technology.

China is one of the countries with the largest planting area in the world, and the potential brought by the transformation of cultivated land is enormous. Another driving factor is the improvement in productivity, as food supply must feed a growing population. According to our judgment, with the introduction of biotechnology, the Chinese glyphosate market will continue to grow at a rate of 5-7% per year and lead the Asian glyphosate market. The commercialization of GM corn and soybeans will increase the use of glyphosate in these two crops. In the next 8 to 10 years, the glyphosate market is expected to grow by 50-70%.

Bayer's years of market experience with Roundup® will help the Chinese market avoid mistakes made by the industry or some countries during the transition. This experience involves modes of action, resistance management, optimal seed combinations, quality assurance products, timely spraying, and more. In the Philippines in Asia, farmers are already using glyphosate on gly-tolerant GM corn. We've noticed that if a second application is not made, yields decrease by 25%. Therefore, timely use of glyphosate is very beneficial for achieving greater or maximum yields.

I'm proud of and admire our team in China. Over the past 40 years, Roundup® has won the trust and recognition of Chinese farmers and is now seen as a successful, reliable, and high-value product. Roundup® will continue to play an important role, using solutions suitable for local conditions and agricultural characteristics to introduce glyphosate-tolerant technology in China, helping Chinese users achieve better and more confident weed control, further advancing China's advanced agricultural practices. My expectation for the next 40 years in China is to continue earning trust and creating value for our customers.

AgroPages: Besides the positive aspects, what do you see as the main obstacles to developing the glyphosate market in China in the future?

Jay Butka: I wouldn't consider them obstacles; it's a natural evolution. In the early stages, all markets face the penetration of GM products, and farmers initially worry about or resist glyphosate. For over 30 years, glyphosate-tolerant technology has been one of the most researched chemical-related topics in the world, with the most data points, and the data has been consistent. Science has shown its safety. That's why we need to communicate closely with farmers to convince them that the product is completely safe for crops. We will use cases and experiences from other regions to educate farmers and channel partners.

Equally important, we not only provide products, but as a company, we also guide farmers on how to use the products correctly, how to grasp the right application timing and dosage. So I don't see these issues as challenges, but as work we need to do together with farmers, which is also what we will be promoting in China in the future.

Today, the vast majority of the soybeans imported by China are GM products, used for direct consumption and as a protein source for livestock. This is meaningful not only for companies but for the entire industry, government, and society. We want to improve productivity, give Chinese consumers more choices, and provide high-quality and safe food, fiber, and protein.

AgroPages: Currently, what is Bayer's glyphosate product line like in China? What are the technical characteristics of these products in the Chinese market, especially for the future GM market? How does Bayer maintain its advantages?

Manish Kapoor: Bayer has registered Roundup® and Roundup Powermax® in China. We have obtained expansions of these labels to cover the new glyphosate-tolerant corn market in China. Next, we are seeking to further expand these labels to add glyphosate-tolerant soybeans.

In addition, we are working to use our global experience to add new products with different formulations to our portfolio to suit local agricultural conditions in China. Over the next 2-3 years, we plan to introduce 3-4 new products into the Chinese GM market and provide high-efficiency weed control tools for farmers. For example, in addition to liquid products, we are considering introducing glyphosate dry formulations for some farmers, as well as two glyphosate potassium salt products for the main market. The uniqueness of these products lies in their ability to meet different customer needs.

We have also piloted integrated weed management technologies in China to prevent the emergence of super weeds or resistant weeds due to the adoption of GM crops. Currently, Bayer's China team is exploring system combinations such as Roundup® and Adengo® to prevent resistance early and form an excellent weed control system that serves the entire growing season.

As the market develops, we also look forward to bringing GM traits into the Chinese market, helping farmers achieve higher yields and harvests.

Jay Butka: I believe the key to Bayer's product advantages lies in quality. We ensure the highest quality of our products by controlling the quality of active ingredients, raw materials, and adjuvant formulations. Bayer's products are very systematic; we must provide systematic value. Bayer won't sacrifice efficacy for cost for two reasons: First, Roundup® provides effective control for farmers. When they spray, we want them to be confident it will kill the weeds - this is Roundup®'s primary principle. Second, if the quality decreases and surfactants are missing from the formulation, weeds won't be killed, which will accelerate the development of resistance. This not only harms the company's own interests but will greatly harm the entire industry.

AgroPages: Roundup® has a long history in the global market and still performs excellently. What have been the main challenges faced over the years globally? How has Bayer been able to address these and continue to invest in and innovate products?

Jay Butka: Over the years, Roundup®'s utility, concentration, safety, and cost have continually improved. As the active ingredient glyphosate faces challenges, Bayer has worked with farmers, regulators, academics, and many other partners to find solutions to these challenges.

Weed resistance is the number one challenge. We produce the best products to avoid, delay, and prevent the development of resistance. But as weeds become increasingly resistant to glyphosate, our work goes far beyond this. In terms of crop protection, we educate growers, guide farmers on correct spraying to avoid stimulating resistance, and encourage management techniques such as using multiple effective modes of action. At the trait level, we collaborate with experts, scholars, distributors, and channel partners to conduct education and outreach. Even competitors cooperate from an educational perspective to slow down the occurrence and development of resistance and protect the market.

Regulatory bodies ensure that the products we provide worldwide are safe and effective, but each market has its unique situation. As regulatory questions emerge, Bayer works directly with industry coalitions to address concerns, relying on our expertise and on over 50 years of data and evaluations to assure governments, regulators, and consumers that our products are problem-free. Last year, glyphosate obtained renewed registration in Europe, indicating that glyphosate is a necessary and safe product. We will continue to cooperate with stakeholders and provide ongoing scientific supplementary data.

In some markets, we also face litigation challenges, such as in the US, which involves educating consumers. We need to help consumers understand the product and assure them that it is safe. 

AgroPages: Speaking of experiences from other countries, how do you view the trend of precision agriculture in China? How will this trend affect the future application of Roundup®?

Manish Kapoor: Like other advanced countries in the world, China is also progressing in agricultural application technology. I think what's really useful is a more controllable application method, which is more effective and more in line with scientists' recommendations, helping with the correct application of products. Secondly, we see labor challenges everywhere, whether it's harvesting crops or applying crop protection products. In places where labor issues are prominent, precision agriculture technology comes in handy and has a lot to offer.

Although all markets are growing, it's important that when we develop products, we test them well to determine if they can really work in precision technology and whether drift occurs. Only after comprehensive testing can we bring them to market.

Precision agriculture means transformation in mechanization, application methods, or issues like full-season weed and disease management. Currently, China is at the forefront of the world in drone application, including the acceptance, penetration rate, and treatment area of drone spraying. Drones bring more value due to their flexible spraying and no need for large machinery. Although situations differ, safety always comes first, meaning applicator safety and crop safety. More precise application will ultimately benefit farmers and society. So we will continue to support this work. China is a very special market with distinct climate conditions and a wide variety of crops and farming methods. So I think Chinese agriculture can continue to transform and develop towards more extensive mechanized applications.

AgroPages: We know that Bayer is developing a highly innovative new molecule. Can you introduce specifically what kind of new molecule this is? What testing stage is this molecule currently at in China? What market expectations does Bayer have for it?

Jannis Wittka: This new molecule is an important tool for growers' weed management. According to current test results, except for a few crops like onions and ginger, it is a non-selective herbicide. This molecule will be more of a complement to the existing weed control tools of growers in various regions. It's a potentially blockbuster product with huge potential, and we have high expectations for it.

What we can disclose now is that this molecule is high-performing, broad-spectrum, capable of killing stubborn weeds that are difficult to control, effective against resistant weeds, and has some rapid action.

Since this technology was designed for soybean crops and will later expand to other crops, Brazil is likely to be the first market to launch this technology, with an expected launch time around 2028-2029. We are actively cooperating with stakeholders to accelerate the application process of this innovative technology.

For the Chinese market, I think one unique aspect of this product is that there are stubborn weeds in China that glyphosate cannot kill, but this product can kill the toughest weeds. Therefore, it's not a substitute for glyphosate, but is brought to market as a complement to the existing product portfolio.

The registration process in China is relatively complex. We will continue to cooperate and dialogue with Chinese regulatory authorities, maintain communication with experts, jointly explore the value brought by this technology, and seek product registration.


Source: AgroNews


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