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Asfertglobal launches new microbial inoculant - Kiplant Endofitqrcode

Jul. 3, 2024

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Jul. 3, 2024

Portugal  Portugal

Asfertglobal expands its range of biotechnology products with the launch of the innovative Kiplant Endofit. A plant growth-promoting microbial inoculant that promotes an optimal balance between beneficial and antagonistic microorganisms.

According to the Portuguese multinational, it is a product composed by a unique strain of Bacillus velezensis BS36, isolated and developed 100% by Asfertglobal using the latest Omics technologies (genomics, metabolomics, proteomics).

The key to the effectiveness of this solution lies in its endophytic capacity and its state-of-the-art formulation. This innovative formulation is designed to protect the stability of the Bacillus and its secondary metabolites, maximizing their shelf life. The endophytic nature of this strain ensures that Kiplant Endofit, when applied on the leaves, quickly migrates into the plant, thus initiating its positive effect on the leaves and soil microbiome.

Kiplant Endofit promotes a balance between beneficial and antagonistic microorganisms, essentially due to:

  1. Rapid colonization, since individuals of this BS36 strain have a high capacity for colonizing plants, creating natural competition that is unfavorable to the development of pathogenic microorganisms harmful to plants.

  2. To its secondary metabolites that contribute to the induction of the plant's natural defenses (ISR).

Asfertglobal states that Kiplant Endofit is a ″Zero Residue″ solution over several crops, which presents itself as novel tool at the service of farmers, both in conventional and organic agriculture.

Joel Jerónimo, CEO of Asfertglobal states that, ″In addition to being a product with excellent efficacy results in the field, Kiplant Endofit is aligned with the demands and needs of farmers and the European Union regulatory framework.″

The new product features the innovative INomics™ technology: Innovation through omic technologies, a cutting-edge technology, developed through advanced research into plant-microorganism interactions, which allows exploring the maximum productive potential of secondary metabolites and proteins, essential for mitigating the impact of abiotic and biotic stress factors, thus ensuring greater potential for growth and productivity in increasingly stress environmental conditions.


Source: Asfertglobal


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