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Alert for pink bollworm in Rajasthan, state agriculture department issues advisoryqrcode

Jul. 2, 2024

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Jul. 2, 2024

Farmers cultivating cotton in Rajasthan have been advised to be cautious about pink bollworms this year. Last year, pink bollworms caused a lot of damage to crops in Rajasthan. Advisories regarding the same have been issued by the Department of Agriculture and Central Integrated Pest Management Center (CIPMC), Sri Ganganagar so that losses can be avoided this time. 

Dr. R.K. Sharma, Deputy Director of Locust & Central Integrated Pest Management Center said that farmers need to be cautious. He said that farmers who have stored cotton twigs in their fields are at a higher risk of pink bollworm infestation. Therefore, they have been advised not to store cotton twigs in the shade or in the field. If it is necessary to do so, cover them with plastic sheets or burn them.

The department has further advised that after final harvesting, allow animals like sheep, goats, etc. to graze in the field to destroy the half-open and damaged bolls left in the field. In the early stage of the crop, collect and burn the fallen rosette flowers, flower pods and bolls infested with pink bollworms. Farmers should regularly monitor their fields so that pink bollworms can be controlled in time.

Install Pheromone Traps

Install two pheromone traps per acre 40-50 days after sowing the crop and check the traps daily by visiting the field. If 5-8 insects are found in the trap for three consecutive days, then it is considered that there is economic damage due to insects. Further the department has advised that if out of 100 flowers on cotton plants, 5-10 flowers appear closed like roses and on opening 20 green bolls, pink bollworms are seen in 2 of them, then there is a possibility of pest infestation.

Spray Insecticides

Spray by mixing 5 ml of neem oil or NSKE 5% (50 ml) + laundry powder (1 gram) in one liter of water or spray neem-based insecticide at the rate of 5 ml per liter of water. Dr. Sharma said that this measure should be taken when the cotton crop is 60 days old.

Protect friendly insects like Trichogramma, Lady Bird Beetle and Chrysoperla so that the number of harmful insects does not go above the economic risk level.

For chemical management in cotton crop, use Emamectin Benzoate 5%, Quinalphos 1.50% DP, Ethion 50% EC, Fenpropathrin 10% EC, or Spinetoram 11.70% SC (for bollworm).


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