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Rallis India launches advanced herbicide 'Mark Plus' for soybean and groundnut cropsqrcode

Jun. 25, 2024

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Jun. 25, 2024


image.pngRallis India Ltd, a Tata enterprise, announced the launch of an innovative herbicide named 'Mark Plus' on Monday, designed specifically for soybean and groundnut crops.

The company revealed that Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat would be the initial beneficiaries, with plans for a nationwide availability in the near future.

Mark Plus is distinguished by its combination of two novel active ingredients for the Indian market, targeting ALS enzyme inhibition and microtubule formation disruption, both integral to weed growth.

'We are thrilled to present Mark Plus, an advanced solution addressing the vital need for effective weed control in groundnut and soybean cultivation,' stated S Nagarajan, Chief Operating Officer of Rallis India.

Rallis India, a key player in agricultural inputs, emphasized the herbicide's dual-action mechanism for thorough and enduring weed management. The company, however, did not disclose specifics regarding pricing or sales projections.

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Source: Devdiscourse


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