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India - Madhya Pradesh to have policy for use of drones in agricultureqrcode

Jun. 24, 2024

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Jun. 24, 2024

Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that a drone policy will be made in the state which will generate new employment opportunities in the field of agriculture and farmers will get the benefit of modern technology.


He informed that in view of the increasing employment opportunities in the fields of aviation, agriculture and Artificial Intelligence (AI), better arrangements for teaching these subjects will be ensured.

Madhya Pradesh will be establishing the Prime Minister College of Excellence in all the districts of the state. Under the National Education Policy, the state government has approved to establish one Prime Minister College of Excellence in all the districts of the state. Other useful courses including agriculture will also be started in these colleges.

He further announced that PM College of Excellence will be inaugurated ceremonially in all 55 districts of the state from July 1. He said that it is necessary to pay continuous attention to the quality of education and better management. Full support will be given by the state government for the necessary infrastructural development in higher education institutions.

Mr. Yadav informed that excellent colleges are being started in the state, which will become the face of the education system of the state. Work will be done by making a strategy regarding the use and training of drones in higher education, industry, agriculture and other related departments. This will not only provide employment to the youth of the state but will also make technological advancement possible in the agricultural sector.

The Chief Minister said that the state government is trying to encourage employment-oriented education in agriculture and other related fields and also attract investment. He said that the Indian Knowledge Tradition Center will also be opened in every PM College of Excellence, for which necessary arrangements will be made.


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