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Nuseed launches Palladium technology in herbicide-resistant sorghum in Argentinaqrcode

Jun. 24, 2024

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Jun. 24, 2024

United States  United States

Paladium.jpgNuseed has announced to AgroPages the launch of its Palladium technology in Argentina. This technology, embedded in seeds, enables the control of weeds in sorghum and canola by providing resistance to herbicides from the Imidazolinone family. According to the manufacturer, it is a non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) technology, as it was developed through mutagenesis.

Orlando Vellaz.jpeg"Palladium facilitates the cleaning of sorghum and canola fields with the crop already planted, providing producers with a technological solution to the weed problem," explains Orlando Vellaz, Nuseed's Development Manager.

According to him, the technology can be used in both pre-emergence and post-emergence of the crop, making it particularly effective in controlling grasses.

Currently, the Palladium technology is incorporated into the first commercial hybrid of sorghum, Nugrain 30N50 P. This is a medium-long cycle grain sorghum hybrid with high tannin content, recommended for high-tech plantings with high production potential. In addition, Nuseed revealed that it is working to introduce this technology into hybrids of the main sorghum cultivation segments, whether grain sorghum or dual-purpose – which can be used for silage or grain harvest.

Diego Druetto.jpeg

"It is important to keep in mind that, like any technology applied to crops, Palladium requires responsible and sustainable management," explains Diego Druetto, Nuseed's sorghum breeder. "This means that although the hybrids are resistant to imidazolinones, monitoring plays a crucial role in deciding to apply the herbicide if weeds are present," he explains. According to the expert, herbicides should be "tools for strategic and responsible management, so rotating different active ingredients will result in greater longevity of the technology."

Among Nuseed's recommendations, it is suggested to have a good fallow period in the plot and a pre-emergent application of Atrazine to prevent the presence of broadleaf weeds, accompanied by Imazethapyr for grass control.


"It is important to monitor and, if necessary, apply Imazethapyr when the crop has 3 developed leaves upon noticing the presence of weeds, an excellent complementary tool for weed control in sorghum, especially grasses, once the crop has been established," concludes Orlando Vellaz.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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