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BASF plans to launch six new active ingredients for crop protection in Brazilqrcode

Jun. 14, 2024

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Jun. 14, 2024

With substantial investment in research and development, BASF plans to launch six new active ingredients for crop protection in Brazil. According to information obtained by AgroPages, these launches will result in the formulation of about 24 new products in the coming years.

BASF also revealed that it continued to advance its innovation pipeline for critical regions where it operates, focusing on Brazil. The global investment of BASF's Agro Division reaches 900 million euros annually in developing new molecules with exclusive modes of action.

Marcelo Batistela, Vice President of BASF's Agricultural Solutions Division in Brazil, reinforced the company's commitment to national production. "In addition to being extremely relevant to the world, Brazilian agribusiness is also unique from the perspective of the production system, with singular needs and demands that we do not see anywhere else in the world," he said.

Therefore, the executive emphasized that BASF "knows it needs to invest in research and development to offer Brazilian farmers truly effective solutions adapted to the needs of Brazilian agriculture, focusing on gaining efficiency and increasing productivity, always combined with sustainability."

Batistela also highlighted the company's focus on developing and offering financial tools and barter operations that help producers manage costs and access financing new lines so they can continue to grow sustainably. "Today, BASF has differentiated tools on its shelf that allow and support the customer in managing their business in adverse and volatile market scenarios, as is the case with commodities," he stated.

"Another highlight is the ESG financial tools that have been gaining prominence in our business portfolio. We will have news for farmers in the next crop season," he added.


In recent years, the active ingredient Revysol has been presented globally, being the first Isopropanol-Azole on the market with an exclusive mode of action, arriving in Brazil in 2023. The innovation already includes the fungicide Belyan for cotton and soybean crops.

The next product launches with Revysol in Brazil will be for corn, fruits and vegetables, coffee, and soybean crops – for different stages of these crops.

Melyra (Mefentrifluconazole + Pyraclostrobin), Belanty (Mefentrifluconazole), Mibelya (Fluxapyroxad + Mefentrifluconazole), and Keyra (Fenpropimorph + Mefentrifluconazole) are products that should reach farmers in the following commercial crop season.

In the insecticides segment, BASF plans to launch Vinquo (Afidopyropen), which will arrive in the country's fields, mainly for fruits and vegetables and cotton crops, serving as an essential tool against whiteflies, with a long residual control period.

The company also plans to soon launch a new solution for combating pests such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, and psyllids in corn, cotton, soybean, and fruits and vegetables.


BASF is also preparing important launches in the biotechnology and traits segment. For cotton, the strategy focuses on weed management with Seletio, the biggest launch of the FiberMax cotton seed brand in recent years. This tool will reach the fields in the 2024/2025 season, and is associated with TwinLink Plus technology, which offers triple protection against the main caterpillars attacking cotton crops. With the new herbicide Durance S (Isoxaflutole), the biotechnology present in seeds offers triple herbicide protection (Glyphosate, Liberty, and Durance S).

In the soybean pipeline in development, the highlight is an innovative traits platform that includes, among other benefits, protection against nematodes, which can cause yield losses of up to 30%, combined with tolerance to herbicides with different modes of action. This novelty is expected to arrive in Brazil at the beginning of the next decade.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)


Source: AgroNews


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