Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Six new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from South Asia Breeding Programqrcode

−− CIMMYT offers new, improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in South Asia

Jun. 10, 2024

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Jun. 10, 2024

CIMMYT announced six new, improved tropical maize hybrids that are now available for uptake by public and private sector partners, especially those interested in marketing or disseminating hybrid maize seed across the tropical lowlands of South Asia and similar agroecologies in other regions. NARES and seed companies are hereby invited to apply for licenses to pursue national release, scale-up seed production, and deliver these maize hybrids to farming communities.


The newly available CIMMYT maize hybrids were identified through rigorous, years-long trialing and a stage-gate advancement process which culminated in the 2023 South Asia Regional On-Farm Trials. The products were found to meet the stringent performance and farmer acceptance criteria for CIMMYT’s breeding pipelines that are designed to generate products tailored in particular for smallholder farmers in stress-prone agroecologies of South Asia.

Source: CIMMYT


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