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Pioneer, CoverCress, Inari and others receive USDA APHIS approval for new GE cropsqrcode

Jun. 4, 2024

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Jun. 4, 2024

USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has approved five new genetically engineered plants, including the sixth version of pennycress.

APHIS also approved a corn plant developed by Pioneer with resistance to certain insect pests and glufosinate herbicide, and a soybean from Qi Biodesign developed to produce more oleic acid.

Other plants identified as not posing a "plant pest risk" include two types of potatoes with disease resistance - specifically, resistance to potato late blight and potato virus Y. The potatoes were developed at Michigan State.

The pennycress plant was developed by CoverCress, in which Bayer holds a majority share. Pennycress is a potential biofuel feedstock.

To view the entire list click here.

Source: USDA


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