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Unleash your brand power of biopesticides, biostimulants and biofertilizers through upcoming 2024 Biologicals Specialqrcode

May. 28, 2024

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May. 28, 2024

image.pngThe 2024 edition of AgroPages business magazine Biologicals Special, to be published at the end of July, will show R&D technologies, innovative products, marketing strategies, and regulations in the biopesticide, biostimulant and biofertilizer sectors. These are the most popular fields to our numerous readers, including biologicals manufactures, distributors, and growers etc.

Biologicals Special series is a platform to present advanced technologies, service and insights to meet the readers’ demand of finding potential business partners and desired technologies, and learning experience from experts, for more sustainable agriculture.

Below are the topics you can expect in the new issue and options for you to participate.

Topics of features (not limited to):

Cover Story: Citymax Group serves biostimulants industry with high-quality products

Top distributors: Strategies to increase biologicals adoption

Biologicals business development of multinationals: Corteva, Bayer, Syngenta, UPL, FMC, Novozymes, and Yara

Microbials industry watch: Current status and future trends for soil health

  - Popular categories and innovative (unique) technologies

  - Challenges and R&D directions in industry development

  - Opportunities in the future

New technologies

  - Helping crops resist abiotic stress under extreme weather

  - Activating plant immunity

  - Promoting fruit flowering, fruit setting and ripening

  - Natural plant growth regulators

  - Insect pest and disease control (pheromones, microbial agents, biochemicals...)

  - Soil amendments

  - Improving nutrient efficiency

  - Formulation/adjuvant technologies

Brazilian biologicals policy and market changes – Inspiration to companies developing business in Brazil

Sustainable pesticide use in EU – quo vadis?

Regulations related to biological pesticides and fertilizers

More topics to be included……

How to participate

Gold Sponsor (sold out)

Silver Sponsor (USD 5,000), incl:

 - Article or interview (1,500 words max.)

 - Full page ad

 - Company Directory entry

Article (USD 2,200; 1,200 words max.)

Interview (USD 3,000; 1,500 words max.)

Company Directory entry (USD 800) incl:

 - Logo

 - 100-200 word business highlights

 - URL

 - Email

 - Tel.

Image ad

- Inside front cover (USD 2,400)

- Inside back cover (USD 2,400)

- Back cover (USD 2,400)

- Full page ad (USD 1,900)

- Half page ad (USD 1,300)


  • The magazine will be sent by email to 170,000+ global subscribers.

  • It will also appear on AgroPages website for visitors to view or download free of charge.

  • 3,000 hardcopies will be distributed at the trade shows.

Join us to show your innovations and service in the coming issue!


Contact: Joyce Wang

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joyce-yue-wang-970507122/

Email:  joyce@agropages.comagropages@vip.163.com


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