Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Pilarcore® Helps Argentina Combat Yield Losses, Weed Infestation from Historic Droughtqrcode

May. 24, 2024

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May. 24, 2024

image.pngFor many years, Argentina has been one of the world's largest exporters of soybean meal and soybean oil. 

However, a historic drought slashed harvests, creating a critical soybean shortage. This has left over two-thirds of processing plants operating at idle capacity. Compounding these issues, soybean cultivation in Argentina faces the dual challenges of drought-induced yield reduction and escalating weed invasion.

Adhering to the "Continuously Innovate for Quality Harvest," mission, Pilarquim has consistently focused on growers' needs, and offered practical solutions. 

In 2023, Pilarquim partnered with Argentine agrochemical companies and launched Pilargold® (S-metolachlor CS), an innovative pre-emergence herbicide. 

Product launch meetings were held in major agricultural regions, including Tandil, Rosario, Charata, and San Miguel de Tucumán, and attracted over 300 distributors and many farmers and agronomists.

S-metolachlor is a selective pre-emergence herbicide and a key player in weed control. It shows excellent control of annual grasses and provides some suppression of broadleaf weeds. This versatility and crop selectivity, have made S-metolachlor a widely used herbicide worldwide.

However, S-metolachlor faces two drawbacks: photolysis and rapid degradation by soil microbes, often requires rainfall within 3-5 days of application to effectively control weeds. If the weather is dry and rainfall timing is unpredictable, it becomes challenging to maintain suitable soil moisture post-application, thus jeopardizing efficacy, and will require additional post-emergence herbicide spraying to control weeds.


Application of Pilargold® vs. control (taken in Tucumán )

Pilargold® incorporates Pilarquim's "Wait-for-weed Technology," effectively addressing this challenge. This technology reduces the impact of sunlight exposure and microbial degradation on the herbicide’s active ingredients. It ensures the effective components remain for at least 15 days under drought conditions, a so-called "waiting period." 

Active ingredients are precisely released into the soil when soil moisture is optimal, and weeds begin to germinate. "Wait-for-weed Technology," which efficiently kills target weeds while reducing negative environmental impacts. This application provides growers with a more efficient, convenient, and reliable weed control solution.

Cristian, Country Manager of Pilarquim Argentina, states that the "Wait-for-weed Technology" utilized in Pilargold® represents a significant breakthrough in crop protection technology. Its successful application improves weed control efficacy and reduces environmental pollution, aligned with current green and sustainable agricultural development principles.

"Wait-for-weed Technology" is one of the four core technologies under Pilarquim's Pilarcore® series. Leveraging the Pilarcore® technology, Pilarquim stands out in the global field of formulation microencapsulation. With the slogan "Longer Control, Easier Life," Pilarcore® is dedicated to becoming a leading global brand in microcapsule pesticides. In the future, Pilarquim will continue to deepen microcapsule technology, constantly explore innovation, and provide more efficient and environmentally friendly crop solutions for global agricultural producers, contributing to the sustainable development of agricultural production.


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Source: AgroNews


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