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Court decisions continue for pesticide registration in Brazil this yearqrcode

May. 9, 2024

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May. 9, 2024

Flavio Hirata.pngEven with the new Pesticide Law (No. 14785, from December 27th, 2023) establishing deadlines for the conclusion of product registration evaluations, court decisions continue for pesticide registration in Brazil this year, pointed out agronomist Flavio Hirata, partner at agribusiness consulting AllierBrasil.


″In the first three months of this year alone, there were 21 approvals through judicial actions disclosed by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency),″ Hirata stated. According to him, the time for registration approval is still very long.

According to the approvals of evaluations by Anvisa published in the Official Gazette in 2024, the time for completion of toxicological evaluations has varied from five to eight years in the cases of Formulated Products based on Equivalent Technical Products (generic products). "Furthermore, to expedite access to the market, companies continue to resort to judicial actions against registering agencies.″


Only in the first three months of this year, he highlights, there were 21 approvals through judicial actions disclosed by Anvisa. Four companies were responsible for 66% of the approvals of evaluations by Anvisa through judicial action: Rainbow, 24%; and Adama, Perterra, and Cropchem, with 14% each.

According to the report "Judicial Action, Decision by Federal Court - 2022," prepared by AllierBrasil and Mazza & Manente de Almeida Advogados, five Courts were responsible for 50% of the approvals of the injunctions. In 2024, until March 27, 2024, one out of eight Courts represented 33.33% of the 21 approvals.

"There are high expectations regarding the new Pesticide Law and the deadlines for completion of registration process evaluations. In the past two years, many companies, mainly from China and India, have shown interest in accessing the Brazilian market," analyzes the specialist from AllierBrasil.

The company is a pesticide registration consultancy that organizes technical-commercial visits, exhibitions, and lectures on agribusiness and registration in India, China, and Brazil to promote Brazilian agriculture.

AllierBrasil, in partnership with the CCPIT Sub-council of Chemical Industry, is the organizer of the 15th Brazil AgrochemShow, on August 13 and 14, in São Paulo. It will bring together companies from the agrochemical sector in India, China, South Korea, Japan, Europe, USA, and Latin America.


(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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