Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Dimethomorph product stocks can be used in EU until probably mid-May 2025qrcode

May. 9, 2024

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May. 9, 2024

According to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1207, the European Union has not renewed the approval for dimethomorph (DMM) as an active ingredient in plant protection products. As a result, EU member states are obliged to revoke the approvals of the fungicides Orvego®, Forum® and Forum® Gold, which contain this active ingredient, by November 20, 2024. The sales and use-up periods for product stocks, which the EU member states themselves set, end on May 20, 2025 at the latest.

″Whether and how the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of the no longer approved active ingredient change is usually only determined after the approval of the crop protection product has ended,″ explains Dirk Hartmann, Country Manager BASF Agricultural Solutions Germany. According to his observation in the past, if MRLs were lowered, the MRL that was valid until then would still apply to the goods that were already marketable at the time - provided that the residues did not pose a health risk to the consumer after a risk assessment, Hartmann continued. ″Based on our current knowledge, we assume that this could also be the case in the case of DMM. This would mean that agricultural products such as wine, beer or canned vegetables that were produced in accordance with the law.

DMM is an active ingredient from the group of carboxamides. It is active both on the plant surface and within the plant and is used in agriculture to control downy mildew in many crops such as wine, hops and vegetables. DMM enables safe and comprehensive protection even in unfavorable weather conditions.


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