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EnBio 2024 - Alltec launches first biofungicide in Argentinaqrcode

Mar. 1, 2024

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Mar. 1, 2024

Alltech Crop Science
United States  United States

logo.pngAlltec's technical department announced the launch of its first biological fungicide, Tricho Smart Mega, during the EnBio 2024 fair held in Argentina, which was specially coverage by AgroPages.

According to the manufacturer, Tricho Smart Mega is a ″Generation II bioproduct,″ consisting of a combination of microorganisms - Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus megaterium – which are already available in the Argentine market.


The biofungicide provides a sustainable alternative to chemical fungicides, as it utilizes antagonistic microorganisms to combat pathogens that affect crops.

In addition to being more environmentally friendly, it can also help reduce chemical residues in food, Alltec said.

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Agronomist Jose Martinez, Regional Technical Manager of the Company, said, ″The production of bioinputs and their integration into current Argentine agriculture not only promotes more sustainable practices, but it also contributes significantly to farmers’ profitability.″

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In addition to being a microbiological fungicide, Tricho Smart Mega also acts as a fertilizer, as it ″promotes plant growth, increasing productivity,″ the company claimed.

″The synergy and complementarity between the two microorganisms allow for improved growth, adaptation, and survival of crops under biotic and abiotic stress conditions,″ Alltec explained.



When applied directly to the seeds, it also stimulates plant nutrition, the company added, stating, ″It can produce phytohormones and solubilize minerals not available in the soil, such as phosphates, and produce metabolites involved in activating the plant's response to biotic and abiotic stresses.″

″These mechanisms result in increased plant height, dry mass, and root biomass,″ it said in conclusion.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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