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Cinis Fertilizer signs agreement with BASFqrcode

Jul. 20, 2023

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Jul. 20, 2023


Cinis Fertilizer signs agreement with BASF

Cinis Fertilizer has signed a long-term agreement with BASF for deliveries of sodium sulphate. BASF’s deliveries will secure Cinis Fertilizer’s future growth and production of climate-friendly mineral fertilizers.

″The agreement is an important part of our vision of a circular economy that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Cinis Fertilizer’s business plan means that we will have enough sodium sulphate for four plants that will be in operation before 2028″, says Jakob Liedberg, CEO Cinis Fertilizer.

″We already have secured raw material supply from different sources and the agreement with BASF means that we can continue our growth journey and production of climate-friendly potassium sulphate mineral fertilizer″ says Jakob Liedberg.

About Cinis Fertilizer

Cinis Fertilizer is a Swedish green tech company aiming to produce the world’s most environ­mentally friendly mineral fertilizer, potassium sulphate (SOP), by recycling industrial waste products from the pulp & paper industry as well as the car battery manufacturing industry. The patent protected technology will use half as much energy as today’s production methods and the result is a fertilizer with a close to zero carbon footprint, a unique and circular contribution enabling sustainable agriculture. FNCA Sweden AB is Certified Adviser.


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