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Rallis India launches two new fungicide formulations- Capstone and Zaafuqrcode

Jun. 30, 2022

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Jun. 30, 2022


Rallis India launches two new fungicide formulations- Capstone and Zaafu


A TATA Enterprise and a major player in the Indian Agri inputs market, Rallis India Ltd., has announced the introduction of two new products, CAPSTONE and ZAAFU, which are intended to combat different types of neck blast and sheath blight.

The fungicide portfolio of Rallis India Ltd. is well known in the market, and the company expects CAPSTONE and ZAAFU to make up more than 10% of its crop protection portfolio’s fungicide category.

Rallis believed it was essential to introduce an agri-solution that protects the crop from deadly diseases like Neck Blast & Sheath Blight because paddy is one of the most significant food crops and feeds more than 60% of the population of India.

One of the most destructive diseases in paddy is Neck Blast. By the time management is attempted after it manifests, super infestations could have caused it to spiral out of control. The direct impact of the neck (and node) blast on the panicle results in extremely high yield losses in affected plants. Rallis India launches CAPSTONE for the first time on the Indian market to treat this disease. Fenoxanil and Isoprothialane are the main ingredients in CAPSTONE. Isoprothiolane is an inhibitor of lipid biosynthesis, whereas Fenoxanil is an inhibitor of melanin biosynthesis. For the first time in India, farmers will now have access to a mixture containing Fenoxanil. In collaboration with Nihon Nohyaku, a Japanese company that develops agrochemicals, this product was created in India.

CAPSTONE has a dual mode of action because it is a combination of two different action fungicides, giving it qualities like excellent efficacy, longer duration of disease control, no cross-resistance, and prevention against resistance build-up. Therefore, farmers will be protected from suffering losses as a result of Neck Blast by using CAPSTONE at the proper time and using the proper technique.

The systemic fungicide ZAAFU has a special formulation. In India, Paddy Sheath Blight is a common disease, and Zaafu offers a great treatment for Sheath Blight and Sheath Rot in Paddy. It is a fungicide in the form of granules that are intended to be broadcast in the field along with the first top dressing of fertilizer. This not only makes application easier but also saves farmers labor costs associated with fungicide spraying.

By offering a unique solution, Zaafu assists farmers in saving money and time while resolving this issue.

Rallis India Ltd. is confident that CAPSTONE and ZAAFU will be another step towards the prosperity of farmers by addressing farmer needs.


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