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SynTech Research Group announces new CEO appointmentqrcode

Dec. 22, 2021

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Dec. 22, 2021

SynTech Research Group
United States  United States

The Board of Directors of SynTech Research Group has been informed by Dr. Khosro Khodayari of his wish to relinquish his position as Chief Executive Officer of the Group at the end of 2021.

While regretting this decision, the Board thanks Dr. Khodayari for his contribution to the Group, especially this last year, in driving the merger of Acceres and SynTech Research to form the leading company in this sector during a difficult time due to the pandemic.

Dr. Francis Lacroze, Chairman of the Board of Directors said “I am very thankful to Khosro for his dedication to the Group, including completion of the merger with Acceres and for his great leadership building SynTech Research over the last 21 years since he stepped down from Syngenta. He understood the need for the Agrochemical industry to focus on their core expertise and subcontract a part of their R&D. Thanks to his great energy and leadership, he has been successful in building one of the global AgCRO leaders, with operations in the Americas, Europe and Asia”.

Dr. Khodayari will continue his involvement with the Group as a Board Director, focusing on key clients and assisting in driving the Group in taking its next steps.

Effective January 1st 2022, the Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Yvonnick Jambon, currently Regional Director EMEA, as the Group’s new Chief Executive Officer.

QQ截图20211222132827.jpg          QQ截图20211222132837.jpg

Left: Mr. Yvonnick Jambon, new CEO for SynTech Research Group
Right: Dr. Khosro Khodayari, outgoing CEO, SynTech Research Group

Mr. Jambon graduated from AgroParisTech. He joined Acceres in 2017 as Chief Executive Officer setting up this new company with acquisitions of GAB Consulting, Promovert and Biotek Agriculture Europe. After the acquisition of SynTech Research and the merger with Acceres, he became EMEA Director of the new Group. Prior to joining Acceres, Yvonnick worked with Aventis (Bayer), Groupe Roullier, and Nufarm as Director of Ag Business Europe. He also worked for Aventis (Bayer) and Nufarm in the USA and Canada in senior management positions.

Dr. Lacroze added “I have known Yvonnick Jambon from the inception of Acceres and have watched him grow as a leader within Acceres and now SynTech Research Group including managing a turnaround with one of our subsidiaries and growing the business. I am convinced that with him the Group will continue to develop its expertise and services to better serve our clients while building the best place to work for our employees”.

The Board of Directors would like to thank Dr. Khodayari for his great achievements and looks forward to his continuing contribution as Director. It also wishes Yvonnick Jambon great success in his new role.


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