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DigiFarmz – The ultimate digital tool to help agronomists control plant diseasesqrcode

Nov. 17, 2021

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Nov. 17, 2021
Renato Seraphim

Renato Seraphim

Specialist in Innovation and Technology in Agribusiness

Columnist for AgroPages

Ricardo Balardin

Ricardo Balardin


DigiFarmz Smart Agriculture

The search for high productivity is the great challenge of agriculture. Global food production will have to increase by more than 70% by 2050, preserving environmental, social and governance (ESG) precepts, and committed to the availability of quality food produced under sustainable parameters. The adjustment in the production process has already started. Bottlenecks in food production are clearly identified.

The problem is that although they can be analyzed in isolation, they are absolutely integrated and interdependent. Derives from this circumstance, a clear demand for intelligent recommendations in today's agriculture. While human beings are competent in making decisions based on a limited amount of information, computers are more efficient if they have a large set of data.

The association between the human being and the digital tool will be the great defining factor of the new agriculture. Contrary to what can be speculated, it is impossible for these characters to be dissociated.

Considering that interactions are complex, an expressive volume of data is necessary for the assertive addressing of actions. Digital tools, sensors and devices will assume a relevant role, enabling the increase in the quality and abundance of captured data, quantifying intrinsic physiological processes, and enabling multiple interactions supported by a database containing information on inputs, ecological and climatic variables, both in a global perspective as local.

Algorithms designed from consolidated data define parameters and result in increased accuracy of information.

DigiFarmz is a predictive analytics platform that considers the plant as a central element of the production process. Cultures are challenged by numerous factors in the environment. The complexity of the data obtained in the field, through artificial intelligence, will enable the necessary precision for maximum productivity to be achieved in each location. Data on genetic adaptation, climate, nutrition, hydration, root and leaf health, correct use of inputs aided by precision agricultural tools establish the productive ceilings that can be achieved. The customization of the process takes place from the self-correction of the algorithms, which progressively add acuity to the data originally generated in conventional research to the reality of each location. Finally, the producer will have defined which production ceilings he will be able to reach on his property.


Targets for reducing carbon emissions are on the agenda of the main producing countries in the world. A unique opportunity is envisaged for the identification of trends, gaps, process improvement, and education of the production process around the real principles of sustainability. It will be more viable to optimize the production process locally so that the production of food with quality and a cost that allows access to all people and with minimal environmental damage occurs.

The production chain is now fully data driven, influencing commercial processes. The traditional purchase of inputs moves to an e-commerce process based on the integration of platforms guided by parameters so customized that it will be enough for producers to indicate their purchase needs. On the other hand, it will be possible to have the traceability of the inputs used and, associating the local conditions of production, DigiFarmz will associate the inputs used with the quality of the agricultural product produced in terms of oil, protein, fibers, or amino acids. The commercialization of agricultural production will be redefined.


The rural industry that produces carbohydrates, proteins, oils, and vitamins from CO2 + water will be even more technological, efficient, sustainable, predictable. The parameterization of biology, unthinkable in the last century, is today a vigorous reality. The true empowerment of agriculture will reduce the environmental impact to produce food for all people, with quantity, quality, and low cost.



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