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USA - New Sphaerex fungicide from BASF designed to help wheat growers reduce the damages from DONqrcode

Aug. 4, 2021

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Aug. 4, 2021

BASF Crop Protection USA
United States  United States

USA - New Sphaerex fungicide from BASF designed to help wheat growers reduce the damages from DON

Metconazole 10.91%+Prothioconazole 18.19%

Both quantity and quality of grain impact wheat growers’ bottom line, and the fungus that creates head scab and deoxynivalenol (DON) puts both at risk. BASF has combined the power of two active ingredients and introduced the new Sphaerex™ fungicide to help growers control head scab and reduce the impacts of DON better than any other wheat fungicide on the market. Recently registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sphaerex is available for the 2022 growing season.

“DON reduces the value of your wheat crop by negatively impacting grain quality,” said Ken Deibert, Technical Field Representative for BASF Agricultural Solutions. “And with head scab treated acres up 45 percent since 2013, it’s not if you’ll come in contact with it, but when.”

Dangers of DON

Fusarium head blight, also known as head scab, is the most destructive wheat disease growers face, significantly reducing yield potential. The fungus that causes head scab also produces vomitoxin, specifically DON. During infection, DON can accumulate at high levels in the harvested grain. Its presence may result in a significant price reduction, even rejection, at the grain elevator and could impact the health of livestock if consumed.

The Power of Sphaerex Fungicide

Sphaerex fungicide brings together two trusted active ingredients, metconazole and prothioconazole, to defeat head scab and reduce DON.

“Growers work too hard to let DON get the best of their wheat,” said Logan Grier, Marketing Manager, Wheat Crop Protection for BASF Agricultural Solutions. “Sphaerex fungicide can give growers peace of mind that they’re getting the best head scab control and DON reduction to preserve the yield potential and quality of their wheat.”

Sphaerex fungicide is the latest addition to BASF’s robust seed treatment and crop protection portfolio offering wheat growers superior protection against weeds, insects, and diseases.
To learn more about Sphaerex fungicide, contact your local BASF representative or visit http://www.Super-Sphaerex.com.

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