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South Dakota Ag Experiment Station releases two non-Roundup Ready soybean germplasm linesqrcode

Apr. 28, 2011

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Apr. 28, 2011

The SD Ag Experiment Station announces the release of two soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) germplasm lines: SD00-1501 and SD05-767. SD00-1501 was developed and released for high protein and acceptable yield.. SD05-767 was developed and released for low linolenic acid and acceptable yield performance. Proposed release date is March 1, 2011.

SD00-1501 is a high-protein and high-meal conventional line with acceptable yield and oil content, MG0. High protein (40% or higher at 13% moisture) was confirmed by multiple years testing in QT trials. Its oil content was 16.3-16.7% at 13% moisture.. The average yield was 39-44 bu/a. In addition to breeding/research this line could also be grown for organic farming, Tofu, soy milk, etc.

SD05-767 is a low-linolenic and good-quality conventional line with acceptable yield, MG0-I. Multiple-year data shows average linolenic acid concentration was 2.6-2.8%. Yield averaged 40.5-46 bu/a. This line may also be grown for specific requirement of soybean oil (i.e. low-linolenic oil) in addition to soybean breeding and research.

Two additional non-Roundup Ready soybean experimental lines SD-05-240 and SD03-2154 have been proposed for increase with intent to release in 2012.


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