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Dow AgroSciences receives registration for REFUGE ADVANCED? powered by SmartStax?qrcode

Apr. 12, 2011

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Apr. 12, 2011

U.S. farmers in the Corn Belt can now choose the simplicity, convenience and refuge compliance benefits of the industry’s first single-bag refuge solution for corn. Dow AgroSciences REFUGE ADVANCED™ powered by SmartStax® has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This completes federal regulatory authorization in the United States. Commercialization is pending individual state authorizations and notifications, as required.

The product is the outcome of a collaboration between Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. It is a combination of each company’s industry-leading corn traits that provide farmers with multiple modes of action for broad spectrum control of above- and below-ground insects, and also offers two herbicide tolerance traits for flexible weed management. This registration of Dow AgroSciences REFUGE ADVANCED powered by SmartStax provides farmers with the opportunity to plant a single-bag refuge solution for corn.

REFUGE ADVANCED is a blend of 95 percent SmartStax corn seed and 5 percent refuge (non-Bt) seed that farmers can plant across their entire field. This means farmers who plant REFUGE ADVANCED products no longer need to plant a separate, structured refuge for above- or below-ground pests in the Corn Belt. For farmers who have purchased SmartStax without REFUGE ADVANCED, the structured refuge is still required.

"Dow AgroSciences REFUGE ADVANCED™ powered by SmartStax is the most convenient, simple solution to ensure refuge compliance, and it’s only available from Dow AgroSciences seed brands,” says Casey Onstot, traits marketing manager for Dow AgroSciences. “The premium seed blend saves time by allowing growers in the Corn Belt to plant a single product across the entire field. They won’t have to change out refuge seed in planter boxes, handle insecticide boxes, or plant any separate structured refuge for above- or below-ground insects on those acres planted with REFUGE ADVANCED.”

Consistent seed blending

The proprietary seed blending process for REFUGE ADVANCED ensures that refuge hybrids will be evenly distributed across the field. The weight and size of refuge seed is matched to the SmartStax® seed, helping to maintain an even blend in the bag throughout packaging and distribution.

"Consistent blending in the bag delivers consistent distribution of both SmartStax and refuge seeds during planting,” says Onstot. “This prevents formation of ‘hot spots’ due to large clusters of refuge plants in one area of the field.”

In each bag of REFUGE ADVANCED, a SmartStax hybrid is blended with an agronomically equivalent refuge hybrid, so refuge plants will look similar to the traited plants for a uniform stand. Both SmartStax and refuge seeds are subjected to the same rigid quality control processes, for consistent germination and performance.

Meets IRM requirements

"By providing a blend of SmartStax and non-insect traited seed all in one bag, REFUGE ADVANCED ensures refuge compliance in the Corn Belt on the acres where it is planted. Multiple years of testing with the SmartStax® trait have demonstrated that Dow AgroSciences REFUGE ADVANCED™ powered by SmartStax provides an effective refuge management strategy, preventing the development of insect resistance,” he says.

In the past, growers planting Bt corn hybrids have been required to plant a separate structured refuge of non-insect-traited seed to protect the traits from potential insect resistance. SmartStax, planted for the first time in 2010, allows farmers in corn-growing areas to reduce refuge acreage from 20 percent to 5 percent.2 Now, with REFUGE ADVANCED, the required 5 percent refuge is in the bag, Onstot says.

By complying with Insect Resistance Management (IRM) guidelines, growers help protect the durability of all insect resistance traits and preserve the technology for future generations.

REFUGE ADVANCED is another example of an innovative technology from Dow AgroSciences to help growers maximize their whole-farm yield potential and make IRM compliance simple.

REFUGE ADVANCED will be offered only through Dow AgroSciences seed brands, including Mycogen Seeds, Brodbeck Seeds, Dairyland Seed, Pfister Seeds, Renze Seeds, and Triumph Seed. Dow AgroSciences expects a full commercial launch with a broad lineup of hybrids for sale for 2012 planting.



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