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FMC launches the only fungicide brand that delivers season-long corn disease protection from an at-plant applicationqrcode

Aug. 26, 2020

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Aug. 26, 2020

FMC Corporation
United States  United States

Xyway 3D
Flutriafol 26.4%
Company:FMC Corporation

Novel Xyway™ 3D fungicide is first to provide unique inside-out disease protection from planting to harvest and from root to tassel and stalk to leaves. 

FMC is launching new Xyway™ 3D fungicide, the first and only at-plant corn fungicide to provide season-long, inside-out disease protection from planting to harvest. It combines the most systemic triazole fungicide, flutriafol, with unique at-plant flexibility.

When soil-applied, the FMC proprietary active ingredient is rapidly taken up by plant roots and is quickly translocated throughout the plant before diseases emerge, providing early, systemic and long-lasting residual disease protection. The proven capability of flutriafol to move through the plant and outward to newly unfurled leaves has not been demonstrated by any other fungicide.

Xyway brand fungicides will be available commercially for the 2021 growing season. Xyway 3D fungicide is formulated exclusively for the 3RIVE 3D® in-furrow application system, which allows growers to cover more ground in less time with fewer refills. It has received EPA registration for foliar disease protection from gray leaf spot, Southern corn leaf blight, Northern corn leaf blight, common rust, head smut and common smut.

Furthermore, FMC has an additional formulation with registration pending with the EPA. Xyway LFR® fungicide which is formulated for use with liquid fertilizer application systems. The EPA registration for Xyway LFR fungicide is anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2020. FMC is seeking registration for the same disease spectrum as Xyway 3D fungicide.

“An at-plant application of a Xyway brand fungicide consistently results in the same level of disease protection and yields as a foliar fungicide applied at the R1 growth stage,” says Bruce Stripling, FMC regional technical service manager. “New Xyway brand fungicides make it possible for growers to conveniently and efficiently achieve season-long disease protection with an at-plant fungicide.”

Proven Performance

In research and field trials throughout the U.S., the active ingredient in Xyway brand fungicides, flutriafol, demonstrated efficacy against gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and common rust. Late-season disease severity ratings averaged for those three diseases across multiple trials were half that of the untreated check and statistically equivalent to competitive foliar treatments. Across the Mid-South, multiple research trials on formulations of Xyway brand fungicides yielded 13.7 bu/A more on average than the untreated check, and yields were statistically the same as competitive R1 foliar treatments of Trivapro® or Headline AMP® fungicides. Across 42 U.S. trials in 2019, tests on formulations of Xyway brand fungicides averaged an extra 8 bu/A compared to the untreated check.

“We are seeing consistent performance results from Louisiana to South Dakota, across all soil types and on dryland or irrigated production. The active ingredient is very stable in the soil, staying in root zone where it can be continually taken up by the plant along with water and nutrients,” says Stripling.

Growers and researchers also report more robust roots in corn treated with Xyway brand fungicides. An FMC trial documented 51% longer roots, 32% greater root surface area, 60% more root forks and 15% more root volume in corn treated with Xyway 3D fungicide than in the untreated check. A more robust root system improves the plant’s capacity to absorb water and nutrients and maximize yields.

Early Protection That Lasts

Research by FMC and universities has shown that the active ingredient in Xyway brand fungicides, flutriafol, provides remarkably long-lasting protection for many key foliar diseases of corn when applied to the soil at planting. “We are seeing disease protection of more than 120 days after the at-plant application along with better stay-green and stalk health,” says Gail Stratman, FMC regional technical service manager. “That’s only possible because of the unique properties of flutriafol including how it stays near the root zone, is highly systemic and is xylem-mobile. Every time the plant transpires, it pulls water, nutrients and flutriafol from the soil and transports them via the xylem to green tissues, protecting the plant from the inside-out before diseases emerge. That’s very different from a foliar fungicide or a seed treatment.”

The length of residual and the inside-out disease protection from the active ingredient in Xyway brand fungicides, flutriafol, could fundamentally change how growers manage disease, according to Kianna Wilson, the U.S. fungicide product manager for FMC. She is excited FMC is bringing this new technology to growers. “FMC has market-leading in-furrow formulations and novel application technologies that make us think differently than many manufacturers about how to use active ingredients and how they might be valuable to growers,” says Wilson. “We understand growers want to protect their plants from day one, ahead of disease onset. Scouting and treating can be time consuming and timing sensitive. Many growers will find it very attractive to apply a Xyway brand fungicide in one pass at-plant and get the same level of protection and yield response as with foliar fungicides.”

Flutriafol is a member of FRAC Group 3 and is a demethylation inhibitor (DMI). It is the foundation for several important FMC foliar fungicide products for row and specialty crops.

Source: FMC


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