Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Tetraniliprole insecticides approved in Canadaqrcode

Mar. 26, 2020

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Mar. 26, 2020
Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, is granting registration for the sale and use of Tetraniliprole Technical, Tetraniliprole 200SC Insecticide, Tetraniliprole 480FS, Tetraniliprole 200SC Turf Insecticide and Tetrino containing the technical grade active ingredient tetraniliprole, to control a wide range of insect pests on labelled fruit and vegetable crops and turf.

This decision is consistent with the Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-14, Tetraniliprole and Tetraniliprole 200SC Insecticide, Tetraniliprole 480FS, Tetraniliprole 200SC Turf Insecticide and Tetrino, which contains a detailed evaluation of the information submitted in support of this registration. The evaluation found that, under the approved conditions of use, the health and environmental risks and the value of the pest control products are acceptable. Health Canada received no comments on PRD2019-14.

Tetraniliprole 200SC Insecticide

Tetraniliprole 200SC Insecticide contains the new active ingredient tetraniliprole (200 g/L) and controls or suppresses numerous insect pests of field, fruit, tree nut and vegetable crops by foliar or in-furrow application.

Tetraniliprole 200SC Insecticide is a new commercial class product that is applied by foliar application by ground equipment to all listed crops, and also by aerial equipment to potato. It also can be applied in-furrow to tuberous and corm vegetables. It controls or suppresses important pests including aphids, Colorado potato beetle and grape berry moth. The product provides a new mode of action for mullein bug on pome fruit, aphids on tree nuts, and aphids and flea beetles on corn. Therefore, it may aid in resistance management of these pests on these crops.

Tetraniliprole 480FS

Tetraniliprole 480FS contains the new active ingredient tetraniliprole (480 g/L) and is a seed treatment that protects corn and soybean from certain soil-dwelling insects.

Tetraniliprole 480FS is a new commercial class seed treatment that protects corn and soybean from feeding damage by seedcorn maggot, wireworms and the larvae of European chafer, Japanese beetle and June beetles. These are important pests of corn and soybean. The product provides a new mode of action for use on soybean against these pests and may aid in resistance management.

Tetraniliprole 200SC Turf Insecticide and Tetrino

Tetraniliprole 200SC Turf Insecticide and Tetrino contain the new active ingredient tetraniliprole at 200 and 43 g/L, respectively, and control various insect pests of turf.

Tetraniliprole 200SC Turf Insecticide and Tetrino are new commercial class products that control annual bluegrass weevil, billbugs, chinch bugs and sod webworms, and control or suppress larvae of certain beetles on turf. These products provide a new mode of action against larvae of Asiatic garden beetle, northern masked chafer and oriental beetle on turf. Therefore, they may aid in resistance management of these turf pests.


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