By Leonardo Gottems, Reporter for AgroPages

“There is a strong demand for biological products with zero residue,” said Brazilian Antonio Carlos Zem (CEO of Biotrop), adding that the Argentine inoculant, biofungicide and biopesticide markets will grow between 10% and 15% in the coming years and will further accelerate in growth.
There is a strong demand from consumers, but chemical plant protection industries are finding it harder to create new products, while the related costs and the risk of not being able to sell them due to new legislation is very high.
“Globally, the biologic market is worth about US$6 billion while the agrochemical market is worth around US$65 billion. However, the growth rate of the agrochemical market is close to 2% and the market for biological and natural products grow at an annual rate of 17%,” he said.
“Although it is a pioneer and generator of global technologies, especially the nitrogen fixative genre, Bradyrhizobium, the Argentine market has fallen behind in terms of new technologies. However, it is already beginning to wake up, and rural producers have seen an opportunity to reduce the cost of biologicals and the use of agrochemicals. Companies are now beginning to launch and promote their products and are making them more accessible to producers in terms of cost and service. We believe that the Argentine market will grow between 10% and 15% in the coming years, and from there it will accelerate,” he explained.
Both Saudi and US-owned, Biotrop arrived in Argentina in October 2019 after a year of activity in Brazil. At its launch, Zem announced that he appointed the company, BIOMAGNA, as his strategic partner in the distribution of products in the country.
Biotrop arrived in Argentina with nine registered products, which are Total Nitro, Protects TS, Lastro, AZtotal, Stamina and Symmetry, as well as other rooting, biofertilizers, biostimulants and inoculants, which will be marketed this year. Among the novelties to be launched in 2020 by Biotrop are BioTrigo, BioFree, Biovar, Biokato, BioBIM, Max soybean, Cronos, Root, Rudder, Enduro and Vult.
The company focuses on soybean, corn, wheat, sunflower, potato, bean, tomato and the horticultural sector in general. Researchers, such as Daniel Igarzabal, Gustavo Ferraris and Pablo Poncio, will test its products in the field, the company's press release said.